Chapter 34 - Gems Magazine

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Hello, my sweets!

This is the last upload in 2019 and I just want to say thank you so much for all of your supports :D

I'll see you guys in the next chapter on January 2020... Woop Woop!

Lara's POV

Today is the last day of the book tour and it takes place in Los Angeles, California at the Gems Magazine's HQ which is the reason how I got this tour in the first place. The people who work here are super nice and they all look fashionable, unlike me. The book signing will begin in about five minutes and because of the traffic, Kyle and I are almost late.

"That's Harper North!" Kyle says to my ear as we are entering the hall.

"The lady in a sweet purple dress?" I make sure of it.

"Yes." Kyle nods in secret.

Harper North is the one who offered me to do this book signing tour and she is also the one who has not showed up in each and every city that I have been visiting for this tour. She looks really pretty, like no joke, with clear blue eyes which represents the sky, dark hair with curl ends that falls right on her upper back, skinny and shiny legs and a medium gorgeous skin tone. Long story short, she's a goddess.

"Ms. North!" Kyle interrupts her talking to a fellow pretty lady in a brown head scarf.

"Mr. Jacobson!" She turns to face us.

"This is the great Lara." Kyle gestures me with his hand.

Standing right next to Harper North really does make me invisible. Her long legs are no match to my short wobbly legs.

"Ms. Bennett!" She takes my hand to shake it. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you!"

"The pleasure it's mine." I cross my legs to look more presentable.

"Welcome to the Gems HQ!" She can't stop smiling.

I am very jealous of her long legs, especially when that thin skirt of her dress is complementing them really well. My eyes quickly take a glance towards Kyle to check if he's actually enjoying this brand new view and he really does, for God's sake.

His shimmering eyes are looking so alive and sparkly. Both of the corner of his lips are stretching up to his ears while his warm left hand is secretly rubbing my lower back. I can't help but to hide my smile when I notice that his eye are pinned on mine. Kyle is thirsty, for me.

"You used to submit your short stories to us under a different name. It was RedQueen, wasn't it? They were so good and had a great impact on our sales." She recalls my old submissions.

"Yes." I lightly nod. "It was two years ago, the last time I submitted my story. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today."

"Actually it wasn't me who discover your first submission, it was my roommate. He never liked to read, but he couldn't put your story down, so I thought it must be really good." She informs with a bit of an anxiety in her eyes.

"Oh, that Legolas looking guy?!" Kyle suddenly gives a shout out to Legolas.

"Christopher, yes." She gulps.

"Yeah, I think I saw him across the street." Kyle point his thumb to the opposite side.

"Probably, he's looking for me. Um, would you excuse me for a moment? Casey here will take you through everything." Harper turns to the lady she was talking to before. "Casey?!"

When my first book was published, I had a few book signing events back in Seattle, but I wouldn't call it a tour since the venue was some little bookstores.

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