Chapter 35 - Set on Fire

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Hi, my angels!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I hope everything will be wonderful for all of us in 2020 ;)

Enjoy this first chapter of 2020, Love ya!
P.S : I don't own the picture.


Kyle's POV

I am completely thorn in between my own feelings. The two side of my weak heart is battling against each other. The other one wants to stay at the Airport until Lara is arrived, but another one just wants to go home to meet my children.

She has talked me through this and she clearly wanted me to go home, but if I did, my kids would be asleep anyway. So, what's the point? I might as well wait right here to take her home. But, I can't deny that I miss my children terribly.

Before my brain exploded from the war of the feelings, I got in a cab. Lara was right, I should go home and be with my children since they have lost their mother. I could just see her tomorrow when the sun comes up.

Though I am heading home, I can't stop thinking about her with all the regrets in my heart. I wanted to wait for her to keep her safe, she has nothing but me. The best option is to go home to see my kids for now and come back to the Airport later to get Lara. She is still in the air anyway, I can't lie that I really do miss the kids. They are probably already asleep by the time I get home and I prove it right.

My kids are already asleep, except for Keith who is still TV in the living room, all alone.

"Hey!" I announce myself as I walk into the living room.

"Hey!" Keith spares me a second of his attention by looking into my eyes.

"Where's everyone?" I stroke his head playfully.

"Upstairs." Keith answers without letting his eyes leave the TV.

"They're still up?" I stop by the first stair.

"The kids are asleep. Oh, Papi and Nana are out to the Gunther's party with Uncle Ethan and Aunt Lily." Keith turn his head around to explain to me.

"It's almost eleven." I check the time on my wrist.

Keith hangs his hands beside his shoulders. He's really kind to watch over the kids, I mean he could totally go out to a party instead of being here to babysit.

"Merry Christmas, Keith!" I still find it awkward to say it to him.

"Merry Christmas, Dad!" He returns it with a tiny little smile.

I can't believe how fast the time has passed this year because tomorrow is already Christmas. The third Christmas without Kylie. She used to be so happy decorating the tree and of course the house. She secretly redo the tree after the kids fell asleep because they basically just messed it up. I still remember the last Christmas with her.

Christmas Eve, 3 years ago.

"Do you think we should put an extra sock there?" Kylie referred to small empty place next to Katherine's sock on the fire place.

"Yeah." I set aside the Guinevere and Lancelot book to help her with the sock.

"That's perfect." Kylie gently rubbed her baby bump in the couch.

I smiled bitterly at her since I have been wanting to tell her that I wanted this to be over, but I could never do it since I kept missing the right timing. First, she told me that she was pregnant with our fourth child and all I could do was wait a few more months.

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