Bonus Chapter - Best Friends?

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Hi! This is a bonus chapter for this week~

This chapter is just showing a little bonding moments of Lara and Keith after he helped her last night and this is dedicated to Team Keith out there. Enjoy!~

Playlist and Preview :
-Count On Me by Bruno Mars (Sitting in the park)
-Life with Grace by Super700 (Running in the park)
-Strawberry Swing by Coldplay (Walking home)
-Too Much Too Ask by Niall Horan (Chapter Finale)

Author's POV

Dawn. Lara's favorite time of the day where the Sun is still hiding from the world to give her a glimpse of light. After what happened last night, she couldn't put to the rest with the thought of her horrifying past. She still remembered the way he grabbed her that night. Terrible moment, she thought.

Lara was sitting on the bench by herself in her red velvet sports bra and a pair of black leggings. Music's never her thing when she's running, she rather listened to her surroundings than some loud music to her ears. Her intention was to run, and yet she's currently occupied by the grace of the flock of pigeons in front of her.

From a distance, Keith could see his Red. He had the same intention of having a peaceful morning run. Because he adored the view, he might delay his intention a little bit longer. He slowed his motion, turning speeding run into a quiet jog.

"Hey!" Keith stops right in front of Lara.

Distracted by the infamous sweet but raspy voice, Lara swift her eyes to a fine young man in a Black tracksuit with a massive headphones on. Her smile grown as she landed her eyes to his. It's so beautiful, she kept that thought to herself.

"Hey!" She chirped.

There's this uncertainty in the both of the. when they caught their selves in each other's eyes.

"May I?" Keith gestured the empty space on the bench.

"Please." Lara didn't mind.

Although Keith took the bench right away, he kept a distance in between. Not because it's so awkward to sit alongside her, but because she seemed uncomfortable to sit too close to him. Keith pinned his eyes to hers and found bright stars in hers. It's so crazy for him.

Lara is a stranger, he thought. How could he be so peaceful near her? That's the question to himself.

"How'd you sleep last night?" He dropped his headphones onto his neck.

"Not well." She's being honest.

"Why not?"

"Because I was scared." She try to smile but her face was so bitter.

"They wouldn't dare to bug you. I'd kill them before they did that." He clenched his jaws.

"You'd do that?" She couldn't believe he just said that.

"Yeah. Believe me, they're a pain in the ass."

Lara was not sure if Keith really meant his words. He could be just playing or not. But seeing him like this was actually very relaxing for her. Suddenly, she felt safe for the first time in this foreign city. She pressed her lips to contain her growing smile from Keith's eyes.

"What?" He's curious.

"What?" Lara threw away her smile.

"Why did you smile like that?"

"Like what?"

" that." He stuttered again.

"Are they your friends?" She changed the subject.

OVER THE RED (Book 1 of The Red Series)Where stories live. Discover now