Chapter 50 - Candid

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Lara's POV

The storm is raging strong out there in Bristol that even the airline doesn't know when I will be flying back home. Seems like I will be spending New Year's Eve here in New York. The snow in here is a little bit forgiving though the wind is going a little bit stronger. There is nothing better than a gloomy day to write a gloomy story.

I grab my Laptop to continue writing on a sequel to The Queen and the King to Be. The story would take place two hundred and fifty seven years after Queen Vivien's little brother rose a rebellion to overthrow the monarch of Lynkorpia.

Queen Vivien's descendant would be the heroin of the story as she would continue the spirit of her ancestor to protect the people from a great danger. Kyle asked me to finish this sequel and deliver the manuscript in early spring.

Speaking of the devil, his name is popping on my phone screen.


"Hey, baby!" He chirps.

"Hi!" I chirp.

"I was wondering if we should go to the Time Square or just to my friend's party in the city..." Kyle sounds out of breath.

He begins again, "Or do you just want to stay at home?"

I am really torn. I don't want to go out, especially in the winter night when the weather could get extremely cold. On the other hand, I never celebrated New Year's Eve in the Times Square before.

"Baby?" Kyle brings me back to our conversation.

"Yeah, I think we should go to the Time Square." I respond.

"Really? I thought you want to just stay at home. You know, order up some pizza and kiss at midnight. And a lots of kissing after midnight." He giggles.

"Oh, do you want to stay at home?" I thought he wanted to go out, given the history that he loves to go out.

"No, I wanted to go to the Time Square. Really." He assures me while he's trying to catch a breath.

"What on earth are you doing, darling?" I am dead curious.

"Oh, I am just jerking off to your lacey red panties." He groans.

"I... I beg your pardon?" I stammer against his words.

Kyle laughs, "I am kidding, baby! I am just running on a treadmill."

I sigh.

He is laughing.

"You!" I am mirroring his laugh.

"What can I say, my girlfriend loves my abs."

The sound of the bell ringing distracts me from Kyle. I think it's Keith because who else would come to my house at the end of the year?

"I think Keith is here." I inform Kyle and jump off of the couch.

"Really? I thought he was at Michael's." Kyle doubts me.

"I don't know." I am getting close to the door.

"Alright, I will call you later."

"Bye." I end the call.

As I place my eye behind the peep hole, I could see Keith's serious face. Something must have happened. Something bad. He literally never showed up at my place looking so unhappy.

"Hi, Kiddo!"

"Hey!" He gives me a fake smile.

"What's going on?" I slide to my left to grant him an access into my house.

OVER THE RED (Book 1 of The Red Series)Where stories live. Discover now