Roan - Breathe

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Part 1

It felt like I couldn't breathe, I've been running for what seemed like hours. I was leaning up against a tree as I was trying to catch my breath, Clarke was beside me. Her hand placed on my shoulder, I looked up at her. She was already staring at me, "There gone, all of them," I muttered softly then leaned my forehead against the tree, the sap burned my forehead and I hissed in pain. Quickly lifting it up before looking at her again, she brought her hand up and grazed my forehead.

"You need to calm down Y/n," She rubbed her thumb against my skin.

I was beginning to panic, "What do you mean I need to calm down," I screamed at her as I felt my body fall the the hard ground, she instantly dropped with me, "They're dead, all of those people are fucking died because of us. We should have never came down here, we should have died on the arc," I sobbed out, my chest tightened and it felt like I couldn't breathe.

I felt her press her hand on the middle part of my back, "Breathe," She muttered, I brought my knees to my chest and rested my forehead against them. Breathing in deeply, the memories of killing everyone at mount weather hunted me. Mia's face staring blankly at me, we became close when we were inside the mountain. It felt like my heart was being torn to pieces, "Why'd you have to do it?" I looked up at her slowly.

"I had to do what needed to be done to save our people," She bluntly said while staring at the ground, "There was no other way," She continued, she brushed a piece of my hair away from my forehead. Staring at me, tears rushed down my face as I stared back at her, "I wish I could take it back to take your pain away," She picked herself up and started to walk away from me, "Get it all out before you come back to camp," She muttered before disappearing into the trees.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, setting my forehead back on top of my knees, "Breathe," I whispered to myself, the pain was still pounding in my chest but I couldn't stay out here for to long. It would get dark soon, I hated the dark. Terrified of it actually, I couldn't comprehend why I ran out here to begin with since the sun was already setting.

But I knew why, it was the nightmare I had. All those people in the mountain screaming for their lives because of the radiation, I couldn't handle it. My friends faces haunted my dreams most nights, the other half I could sleep. Breathing in deeply as I slowly got to my feet and walked towards the direction of the camp, I stopped suddenly when I heard something from behind me. I couldn't look, I was frozen in place, "Please don't be a grounder," I whispered to myself. 

I slowly turned towards the sound, sucking in a breath when I saw a figure in the distance. I couldn't believe this was happening to me, if I screamed they wouldn't hear me. I was to far away for them to come save me so I remained silent as the figure grew closer, I took a step back before falling on my butt. I cursed under my breathe to try to scramble to my feet but the figured towards me. Sword in hand but before they could get to me, a man leaped towards the figure, knocking them down to the ground. 

My eyes widened when he plunged his sword into his chest, I stared wide eyed at the man before looking up at me. I stayed still as he hurried towards me, I couldn't move. It felt like every muscle in my body is frozen in place, he stopped in front of me. Staring down at me before reaching out his hand, "Come with me," His voice rough, I breathed in deeply and exhaled. 

"Back away from me," I ordered him and he raised his eyebrow at me but he stepped towards me, "I said back away from me," I screamed at him and this time he listened to me, stopping instantly. 

"I won't hurt you," He said while kneeling down, he reached out his hand again but I didn't want to trust him. 

I shook my head, "Why should I trust you?" 

"You don't need to trust me, I just want you out of these woods before another one of my people comes back to kill you," He muttered and I turned towards the camp, "They can't save you, they'll be dead before to long," He continued. I thought for a moment before reaching out and grabbing his hand, he pulled me to my feet, "Let's get going."

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