Bellamy - I Came For You Part 2

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It's been two weeks since we landed on the ground, everything seemed to be alright after Jasper got speared in the chest by the grounders. They were leaving us alone for now, I wanted to protect everyone by building a wall so that's what we did. I was walking around with Monty by my side, I wondered what was going on with Y/n. She's been in the tent all day when Raven fell from the sky the night before then she told everyone I shot the concealer, she was furious with me. 

"I'm pretty sure she'll forgive you," I heard Monty spoke beside me, "She might think you are the enemy right now but she'll eventually give in, just look at you for crying out loud," He said chuckling and I laughed a little at the attractive comment. 

Y/n and I met back on the Ark, her only family was her father and he never went to see her when she went to lock up. When he mother died, I tried going to see her but I wasn't family so they wouldn't let me in to see. It was a year and a half since I've seen her but now she's upset with me and she has every right to be, I missed her so much that my heart hurt. She was always there for me after my mother and sister were taken from me, " I should go see her," I muttered and I looked at Monty, he nodded his head and egged me on to go. 

When I got to my tent, she was laying in bed with her back to the door, "Y/n?" I mumbled, she didn't move. I slowly walked towards the bed slowly, she stirred then rolled over when she heard my footsteps. 

I didn't say anything to her, "Just get in," She ordered and I didn't object, I hurried into the bed with her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Once were we comfortable, I rested my head on the pillow, "Why'd you do it?" She questioned and I stiffened because I didn't want her to ask me this. 

I breathed in deeply, "I did it because I didn't want you or Octavia to be alone down here, I know you both could have had each other but I couldn't stand one more minute without you Y/n," I confessed, "If I could go back, I would do that same thing like before because I can't live without you," Then she turned to look at me, I tightened my hold. 

"Bell, you shouldn't have done it," She whispered and I looked away from her, "But I'm glad you did because then I wouldn't have you here with me so please don't do anything stupid anymore," My eyes darted to hers. 

"I love you Y/n so much," I whispered back and she gave me a little smirk, "I will always come for you sweetheart," Then I kissed her forehead and brought her close to my chest. 

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