Bellamy - Mount Weather (Part 3)

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I stared at Clark, watched her as she was about to pull the level. To kill everyone in mount weather, "You don't have to do this Clark," I begged thinking of Y/n that would die along with them, I didn't want her to. She didn't deserve it, everyone that was protecting us, they didn't deserve it either, "Please just rethink all of this," I spoke softly, making sure not to move a muscle.

"Listen to him," The president muttered, he took a step forward but stopped when she pulled a gun out, "Clark please, we don't have to die," He whispered putting his hands in the air.

She didn't listen to him, she shook her head, "Your people are doing this to mine," She screamed at him, waving the gun up and down, "Monty can you do it?" She questioned looking at him, I widened my eyes as he watched me. I quickly shook my head, "Monty," She yelled.

"Yes," He yelled back, staring at her this time, "But if we do this, there is no going back," She muttered, she couldn't be serious.

I looked at her, "Y/n is down with them, she will die if you decide to do this," I stated taking a step forward but stopped because I didn't want to set her off, "They deserve more than this Clark," I mumbled trying to reason with her.

"Look at what they are doing to our people, Bellamy," She yelled at me, taking a step towards me, "They are going to kill us for what they want," She continued to scream. I didn't speak, I didn't want to set her off more than she already was. I looked towards the cameras, looking for y/n. For some reason she peaked my interested and I wanted to know more about her but if Clark did this then she would be gone forever, "Monty give me the walkie," She ordered, he scrambled to get it to her, "Carl Emerson," She spoke.

I looked up at the screen to see that he was confused, "Who is this?" His voice rang through the walkie.

"You know who I am, I want to talk to the president," She ordered him and he obeyed, making sure not to make any mistakes that Clark didn't want to see.

When he handed it over, the president scrunched his eyebrows together, "What do you want?" The president's voice spoke through the walkie, she didn't answer, "Answer me now," I watched him walk towards a door.

"I have your father," Clark muttered, "I'll shoot him if you don't like my people go," She stated as she looked up at the screen then towards the white-haired man.

"You don't have him," He mocked her, she watched the former president. Raising the walkie in the air, she wanted him to talk, "I know you are lying," He continued to mock her.

"Continue with the mission son," The former president spoke with power. That's when Clark shot him, in the chest, making me widen my eyes as I heard him struggle to breathe.

"Let my people go now," She yelled through the walkie but he didn't listen to her, he whispered in the other mans ear. He took off in some direction, "He's coming for us," She muttered turning towards Monty, nodding her head. He then started typing away on the keyboard. He was doing as he was told.

He continued typing away when I noticed figured running into the mess hall, one of them was y/n. She looked panicked, scared out her mind. I didn't want her like that, I wanted her to feel safe. She would have been if we wouldn't have come down her. Why did we have to do this? "Clark think about this," I mumbled under my breathe looking at her but she didn't hear me.

"They have Jasper and my mother was on the table for extraction," She stated not listening to me, "Monty are you almost done?" She questioned looking at him, he nodded.

"And I'm done," My breathe hitched when his voice rang throughout my ears, "We just have to pull this lever," He stated pointing at the black lever that was beside him.

She nodded, "I'm ready," I looked back up at the monitor, watching Y/n's face as she was being held at gun point. All of a sudden, people started screaming at the top of there lungs. They were burning alive, I watched y/n as she sat there watching them, I was confused. She was supposed to be burning along with them, I quickly made it out of the room while Clark yelled after me.

I continued to run until I made it into the room that she was in, she was crying. Holding Mia's held on her lap, "You were supposed to save them not kill them," She cried out, she looked up towards me. I just stood there watching her. I heard footsteps coming into the room. Jasper.

"Mia," He ran towards her, taking her body out of Y/n's arms and into his, "Clark how could you," He yelled at her as she walked into the room.

I looked at Y/n, she was staring at Mia's limp body. I walked towards her, getting on my knees and she looked at me, "I'm so sorry," I whispered grabbing her, wrapping my arms around her. She cried into my shoulder, we sat like this for what seemed like hours.

"They gave me treatments because I was the president's daughter," She whispered.

I just nodded, "I don't care, I'm just glad thatyou are alive," I mumbled against her skin, "I'm just glad."    

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