Please Dont Go - Part 2

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This is the second part of the first one of the one my best friend wrote, I hope you love it! She asked me to ask you guys what should happen next? Just leave it in the comments!

This is the second part of the first one of the one my best friend wrote, I hope you love it! She asked me to ask you guys what should happen next? Just leave it in the comments!

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"Clarke?" I said with my mouth hanging open. Her head swung towards me with so much speed it almost looked like it would have broken off, "Why the hell are you out here?" I said with so much anger I almost couldn't contain it.

"Y/N," she said happily and ran over to me enveloping me in a giant bear hug.
"Get the hell off of me!" I said pushing her away, she looked shocked but her face came to a realization.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I never wanted any of this to happen." She pleaded with me.

"My mother is dead because of you, almost everyone else that was on the ark is dead and it's all your fault. You should never have opened that door." Her face contorted at my accusation.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry," her voice was barely above a whisper, as tears started to touch my eyes I turned away from her.

"Why are you out here? And how are you still alive?" I questioned wiping away my tears before she could see.

"I helped Raven go into space with Bellamy, Echo, Harper, Monty, Murphy, and Emori,"
"Wait you did what?" I asked in disbelief.

"In Becca's lab there was an unused rocket ship, I stayed behind to start it manually from the satellite. The only reason Maddi or I were able to survive was that we are nightbloods,"
"Night- what?"

"Nightbloods. If we had figured out how to turn everybody before primfiya we would have, but there wasn't enough time. How are you alive?" She returned the question.

"I don't know, all I remember is waking up to my mother's dead corpse, or at least what was left of it."

Clarke flinched at the harshness in my voice, "Can I see your arm?" she asked holding out her hand, reluctantly I extended it out to her. The next thing I know she had a knife in her hand and was putting a deep cut in my arm. I cried in pain and jerked my arm away.

"What the HELL do you think you're doing!" I nearly screamed, but Clarke said nothing she only stared at the dark blood that dripped down my arm.

"But that's impossible," were the only words she said, "You were born on the ark! It's not possible for you to have nightblood!"

"I have nightblood?" I asked.

"Didn't they ever tell you your blood type on the ark?" Clarke questioned, her eyes unmoving.
"Yes, they said it's a very rare form, only two other people had it on the ark."

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