Roan - I love him.

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"Y/n where are you going?" Octavia questioned, she placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her, she knew where exactly I was going, "You are going to see him, are you?" She fired another question, I didn't answer her. I didn't have to, I had to see him, before the fight. Before anything happened, just in case I wouldn't see him again.

"Please just let me go," I begged looking down at her sword that was placed in her in her holder, "I have to tell him how I feel," I stated looking back up at her, she gave me a blank stare then nodded.

"Go," She ordered, I looked at her shocked, "Go before I change my mind," She stated pushing me towards where they would be would be getting ready, I stumbled a little. Smiling at her, "Thank me later," She muttered turning around and walking away.

I ran as fast as I could, searching through the alley ways just in case he would be somewhere beside the practicing place, "Come on where are you," I whispered to myself as I got to the under-ground room, people were swinging swords left and right. Some having wipes, I noticed Octavia was in the room. How'd she get here before me?

I looked around, noticing that his back was turned towards me. His back flexed when I touched his shoulder, "Roan can I talk to you alone?" He looked at me, eyes widened when he noticed it was me, "Please," I begged, he agreed. Grabbing my hand, taking me into an empty hallway.

"What do you want?" He questioned, letting go of my wrist. He noticed that I had tears in my eyes, "Is everything okay?" He asked me another questioned. He stepped forward, grabbing both of my hand.

"Please don't do this," I begged but he shook his head, I knew that he had to but he wouldn't listen to me, "What if you die, I can't lose you," I whispered stepping forward. Walking into his arms.

"I'm not going to lose, I'm going to come back to you when this is done," He promised but knew that I couldn't keep his word, he wrapped his around my waist, "I know that I can't make promises that I can not keep," He whispered looking down at me, "I fell in love with you, and I promise that I will always will," He added pressing his forehead against mine, I gave him a weak smile.

"Roan I don't want you to die," I stated looking into his eyes, he knew I was concerned. Knew that I needed him to stay with me, "Please," I begged.

He took his forehead away, "I have to do this for my people," He muttered, wiping away the tears that were falling from my face, "Please don't cry, beautiful," I looked at him, really looked at him. The mark of the Ice Nation stood out the most, I placed my hand on his face. Rubbing my thumb against his skin.

"I'm in love with you," I whispered bringing his face closer to mine, pressing my lips on his. He kissed instantly, "Please just be safe out there," I mumbled against his lips, he smirked.

"I'll do my best," He stated placing his hand on mine, "I will fight for you," He added kissing me again, pressing me against the wall. Holding me tight against him, we continued until we heard the horn that would mean it would be starting soon, "I have to go," He whispered against my lips, I didn't want him to leave.

"I love you," I whispered as he stepped away, "Please just one more kiss," I begged him, he obeyed by kissing my lips softly.

"I love you as well," He mumbled, taking a step back, "Promise me if I die that you'll move on, okay?" I nodded while tears threatened to fall from my face, "You will always be in my head," He stated walking away form me. When he got to the end of the hallway, he looked back, nodded then turned back around and walked into the other room.

I placed my back against the wall, sliding down, crying to myself, "Please don't let him die," I whispered looking up at the ceiling, he was all I had. My parents died on the way down to earth, I couldn't lose him either.

"Y/n," Bellamy's voice rang throughout my ears, "Come on we can't be down here," He stated helping me get up form the ground, he wrapped his arm around my waist, "He will be fine," He whispered in my ear but I shook my head.

"You don't know that," I muttered while we walked into the lift, it lifted slowly, "What if he doesn't make it?" I questioned looking up at him.

"You can't think like this," He ordered, "I'm sure that he will be fine but I'm not hoping for anything," He stated. When the lift stopped we walking in to room with all the clans' leaders, they stood by the far wall. Thirteen candles were in the middle of the room, singling the clans, "Come stand with me and Clark," She was by the window, staring out.

When it started, warriors fought each other. Killed each other for the spot in the ground. I watched as Roan fought against a warrior from another clan, he won easily. He looked up at the tower, he waved up at me. I held back my tears as he ran the other way, I couldn't bear to watch.

It lasted all day long, it was only Roan, Octavia, and Luna. Octavia teamed up with Roan to take down the women that was threatening that no one would take the bunker, they stayed hidden until they noticed that she walked into the middle of the battle field. They attacked her at both sides, attacking well with swords in their hands.

Swiping left and right till she was on the ground, that's when started it rain acid. Octavia ran in the opposite direction, yelling at Roan to follow her. To get out of the rain, he didn't move. It burned him, Luna got up from the ground. Slashing him above the knee, making him fall to the ground. She looked up at me, her face straight. She dragged him over towards the water, why couldn't she be affected by the rain inside of the other way around? She dunked his head into the water, "No," I screamed out, trying to run towards the exit but Clark stopped me, "Let me go, he's going to die, please," I yelled at her but she didn't listen to me.

He struggled for life, swaying his arms around until he stopped moving. She then stabbed him in the back, making sure that he was dead, "The king of the Ice Nation is dead," I turned around, watching them take away the fire.

I collapsed to the ground, weeping out, "Clark his dead, why did he have to die," I cried out, she had her arms around me. Whispering that everything would be alright, "I love him," I whispered, "I love him," I repeated.

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