Finn - I'll See Her Soon Part 1

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I was walking outside of the medical bay, accidently walking by when Raven was laying on the table waiting for Abby to check her out. Finn was sitting beside her, she needed to have an operation if she ever wanted to walk again. He was still for her, he loved her but he also loved Clark as well. He just didn't know that I had feelings for him also, "You need to go find her," I heard Raven's voice speak before I knew it was listening in on there conversation, "You know you love her and she loves you but you can't be with me anymore," She whispered.

I had my back against the metal, "I'm going to find her when you are better," He stated, I squeezed my eyes shut trying to hold back the tears. He didn't know that I had feelings for him, "I will find her," He muttered under his breathe as he sat there looking at her. I watched them from afar, Finn and I have been friends ever since we were little. He just met Raven before I could get the words out, then he fell in love with her and got locked in the skybox.

"Have you seen Y/n?" Raven voice spoke my name, I listened in closely, "I heard that she survived the drop from space," She continued to talk about me but he said nothing, "You need to see her as well, you guys have been friends since you've been little and I'm pretty sure that you both miss each other."

He shook his head, "I'm pretty sure that she doesn't, it's been a long time so she probably forgot able me and found new friends," He stated. That was completely not true, "Plus she's probably shook from the landing of the Ark still, I think I'm going to give her time," He continued to speak.

She sighed then felt a slight pain in her back, I could tell from the look on her face, "No you have to go see her before something happens," When the pain subsided.

"Fine but I'm saying here till you are done with the operation," He always made it seem easy to make someone happy, to make them feel loved. It used to be like that with us but it was only on a friendship level, I didn't expect anything else between us.

I sighed, hitting my head against the metal before walking the opposite direction of the door. I just wanted to get out of here, get away from him. I didn't know if I wanted to see him or not but I was sure that he would be going to find Clark before he came to see me, that was for sure.

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