Bellamy - We are going to save you

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I walked around the halls of Mount Weather, holding my book in your hand. Walking towards the direction of the mess hall, hoping to get some work done. I've noticed less people from outside were here, 'what were they doing with them?' I thought. I turned a corner, keeping my eyes focused on the book that I was hoping to read soon. I looked up in time to come face to face with a man that I barely knew, barely recognized.

He looked at me in shock, "Woah have to watch where you are going," He smiled at me, I glared at him. He wasn't the normal guard that would walk these halls, who is he? I looked up at him, seeing that he had shaggy hair that was being smashed down by his cap, he held his smile. Trying to be friendly but I didn't know if I could trust him, "Can I help you?" He questioned knitting his brows together.

"Who are you," I muttered taking a step closer, as soon as I spoke he dragged me into a supply closet. Knocking my book out of hand, it was on the floor in the hallway, "Please don't hurt me," I whispered. He was pressed so close to me, his breathe hitting my nose. It made me utterly uncomfortable.

"I won't hurt you, don't worry," He stated taking a step back, for some reason I wanted him to be closer, "I'm just here to save my people," He whispered looking around the room, this was the guy. Bellamy Blake that Mia was talking about, what they were doing to there people was truly wrong and I didn't stand with it.

"Bellamy Blake?" I spoke softly, he looked at me, confused.

I knitted my eyebrows together, "You know who I am?" He questioned taking a step towards me, he wanted answers but I didn't have them all.

"Mia," I answered quickly, "She told me about you, about this guy you," I pointed at him, "Are trying to save your people form my people," I muttered looking up at him, he still wasn't buying any of it, "Please I want to help, I think it's horrible what they are doing to them," I added taking a step forward, putting my hands together, begging him.

"Isn't this y/n's book," A voice came out of nowhere, making both of our mouth shut.

Steps erupted from outside the door, "She must have dropped it when she was on her way to the mess hall," Another voice spoke out, I put my finger to his lips making sure he wouldn't say anything or do anything. I wasn't sure if they knew if he was here in Mount Weather or not, I wasn't sure but I knew if they found him that they would kill him for sure. I didn't want the happening.

When the footsteps disappeared, I took my hand away, "We have to get going before they start cleaning each room," I stated taking his hand, walking towards the door but he stopped me.

"What makes you think that I can trust you," He muttered taking his hand away from mine, "What if you turn me in?" He questioned making me turn my head towards him, I was the one that was risking my life to hide all of those people form my people.

"I helped Mia with hiding your people," I whispered looking up at him with pleading eyes, "I want to live but if it's the way of killing people then I would rather die," I stated turning towards the direction of the door, I sighed, "Plus I killed one of my people because I helped Clark get out of here," I added.

I opened the door, looking out to see if anyone was there, it was quiet. I stepped out of the room with Bellamy following close behind, "Where are you taking me?" He questioned as we continued walking towards the direction of the rooms.

"Mia's home," I whispered looking behind me, we turned a corner. He was close behind me, stepping softly, "They have a room that will keep you safe for the time being," I stated stopping at a door, knocking on it. When it opened, Mia stood before me.

"Y/n please come in," She muttered taking a step back so we could come in, "You found him?" I nodded.

"More like we ran into each other," Bellamy muttered looking around to see that more of their people were in the room, "I think I can trust her," He whispered looking at me then back to his people.

"Of course, you can trust her, she's my best friend," Mia mumbled taking a step towards me, making sure that he didn't hurt me.

"Trust me, I won't hurt her," He stated making my face blush a deep red. This was it, we had to save them. I looked around the room to all the terrified looks, I wanted to save them. To keep my humanity.

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