Bellamy - You are the one I want

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I walked through camp looking for the person that I've had a crush on for so many weeks now but I couldn't find him. It was hard to admit that I did have a huge crush on Bellamy but I knew he wouldn't feel the same towards me; I was no one to him. What I was planning on doing was going up to him say how I felt and then walk away but that changed after I found him, he was with Clarke.

They were having an intense conversation and him calling her princess quite a few times, I was slightly jealous of their odd friendship but there was nothing to be jealous of, he wasn't mine. I continued to watch from a far when Clarke looked my way, she knew that I had a crush on him but I don't think she would tell him.

I looked away when Bellamy looked to see what Clarke was looking at, let's just say I walked quickly to my tent after that. I was laying on my cot when Clarke popped her head through the drapes that replaced a door, "Can I come in?"

"Sure," I answered sitting up wondering why she was here in the first place.

She smirked at me, "I saw the way you were looking at him today," She stated sitting down next to me, "You should tell him how you feel he could feel the same way."

"I was going to but stopped when I found you two talking," I said looking to the ground, "I got a little jealous."

She laughed, "Honey there's no need to be jealous," He spoke getting up from her spot, "Plus I think someone wants to talk to you," She said looking to the door and Bellamy walked in making me blush, "I'll see you two later."

"Ummm did I do something wrong or something?" I asked looking everywhere besides him.

I felt the cot dip meaning that he was sitting next to me, "You don't have to be nervous around me Y/N," He stated taking my hand in his but I pulled away not knowing if it was okay or not.

"Okay?" I said looking at him.

"Clarke finally convinced me that I needed to talk to you," He replied.

"About what?" I asked looking down at my hands.

He coughed making me look up at him and his face was beat red, "It was about my feelings towards someone in the camp and I wanted your advice," He stated looking at me full on now. We were both red in the face but I felt like he was talking about someone else like Clarke or something.

"Oh well I would tell her how you fe-," I started but was cut off by his lips connecting with mine. The kiss was gentle and kind, he moved away looking down, "That was unexpected," I smirked.

"I wanted to tell you how I felt for so long but I never could," He told me, "I like you Y/N."

I blushed, "I've been trying to get the nerve to tell you myself but I never thought I could," I said gently touching his hand with mine, he took the opportunity to hold it, "I like you too Bellamy," I added.

He brought his other hand up to my cheek and rubbed it with his thumb, "You are so beautiful," He spoke capturing his lips with mine again, this kiss was more passionate but it felt right.

I giggled to myself making him look at me confused, "Does this mean that we are together?" I asked.

He smirked, "Yes you are the one I want," He confessed kissing me again and he pulled away, "It's late let's get some sleep," He stated lying down on my cot and I followed in pursuit. He played with my hair until we both passed out.

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