Roan Imagine - You saved me

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I was just walking through the market place looking at all the small shops that were laid out all through the area, I was looking at something when someone collided with me. I looked at them with wide eyes, he had a knife in his hand and blood was covering his shirt, "Here take this," He quickly handed me the knife then got up then took off in the other direction.

I got up off the ground and stared at the knife that was now in my hand, it was smeared with blood, "What th-," I muttered but was cut off when I heard running footsteps coming towards me, my eyes widened even more. That guy must of killed someone then took off, I was just here to be with Clark and the others, I just told them that I needed fresh air from being in a room with a whole bunch of people.

I tried to run in the opposite direction but they were surrounding me, "You are under arrest for the attempt murder of the commander of the all the grounders," A grounder yelled at me. They roughly grabbing throwing me to the ground, I knew that my nose was bleeding from how hard I hit the ground.

Two men grabbed my arms and started dragging me towards the direction of the tall crumbling tower, "Let go of me I didn't do anything wrong," I yelled at them but they didn't listen. I sighed and kept quiet until we made it to the opening of the building, I was terrified.

When we made it to the throne room and all eyes were on me, I was thrown to the ground and looked up at Lexa, the commander, "Y/N," Clark spoke in shock, "What did you do?"

My eyes averted to Clark, "I didn't do anything," I pleaded but she shook her head not believing me, "I swear i didn't do anything," I was on my hands and knees begging but nobody would move.

Bellamy moved towards Clark and whispered something in her ear but she shook her head again, "Y/N what happened?" He questioned looking at me with sad eyes.

"A man ran up to me and handing me this knife then he took off," I stated looking towards a man that was incredibly handsome, "Please I didn't do anything," I begged looking back up at Lexa again.

"We don't believe you Y/N," Clark spoke with power, Bellamy's eyes widened at Clarke's comment.

"Then it will be determined that you will have to be given 100 cuts because you tried to kill me," Lexa's voice rang throughout the room, "Take her away," She commanded and the two men from before grabbed me then knocking me out.

When I woke up again, I was strapped to a wooden log that was in the middle of the court yard. I screamed when I saw all the grounders surrounding me, "Please I didn't do anything," I yelled at the three people that were standing in front of me, "Please Bellamy," I looked around to find that man looking at me again. He was from the ice nation, I think he was the prince of the Ice Nation.

"Let's get started," Commander Lexa spoke then a man walked up to me, he cut into my stomach making me scream in pain. It went like that until Lexa drew her sword ready to end me, "You deserve th-," But she was interrupted but another scream.

The man that handed me the knife was laying in front of me, his brown hair was matted down to with all the blood that was in his hair, "Commander Lexa this is the man that tried to kill you not this women," The Prince of the Ice Nation came out of nowhere, "He should be under this sentence not her," He spoke.

"Is this true," Commander Lexa said looking up at me but I couldn't keep my eyes open from the blood lose, "Take her down," She commanded. They did as they were told, cutting the binds from the wrist which made me fall forward but someone caught me, "Take her away and tend to her wounds but i want this one tied and that he serves the sentence that he deserves," She commanded some more and I was being dragged away but I blacked out from the lack of blood.

I woke up to someone tending to all the cuts that i endured, "Whe-where am I?" I coughed looking up at the person that was tending to me.

"It's alright don't worry I won't hurt you," He spoke with such tenderness, "You lost a lot of blood so just stay still," I looked around the room and found that I wasn't in the room that was assigned to me, "You are in my room," He said making me look up at him and it was the prince of the Ice Nation.

"Where's Clarke and Bellamy?" I questioned looking around but they weren't in the room.

He shook his head, "Those fools shouldn't be able to see you," This made me knit my eyebrows together, I was confused, "They didn't do anything to stop this from happening," He muttered pointing at all the cuts on my body.

"Bellamy tried to stop it but they wouldn't listen to him," He nodded his head like he knew but his eyebrows together, "You saved me," I whispered, "How?"

"I tracked down the man that should have been convicted," He answered scratching the back of his neck, "I did it because you didn't deserve that pain that you went through," His rough voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, "You are so beautiful," He whispered looking into my eyes.

"You think I'm beautiful?" I question and he nodded then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, "You saved me," I repeated slowly getting up groaning in pain but I didn't care, I wanted to be closer to this man.

"Yes I saved you," He smirked then he closed the distance between us, his lips were tender and soft. He pulled away then rubbed my cheek but I winced pain because of a cut on it, "I'm sorry," He apologized placing his forehead on mine.

"It's fine, it's not your fault," I whispered then he kissed me again.

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