Bellamy - Is She Coming

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My eyes blinked rapidly and I looked around, we were supposed to be in cryosleep. I looked to my left and stared at the person who woke me up, Octavia. I narrowed my eyes and rubbed my hand over my face, what was going on? I groaned, sitting up straight slowly. My hands were placed behind me, I looked around to see all the soldiers were still sleeping, "What's going on?" I questioned as I brought my legs up and swung them over so I was sitting now. 

"Bellamy, he's awake," I jumped down from the ledge, planting my feet on the cold floor. Scrunching up my toes, why was I barefoot? I couldn't remember. I breathed in deeply, I looked down towards Octavia. I was slightly taller than her, her hair straight and fell down past her chest, "Kane's awake too," I narrowed my eyes, my father was awake. 

"Is he alright?" I asked quietly, I turned towards the exit and started walking towards the exit. The doors slide open but before I could get out the door, Octavia grabbed me and turned me around, "What are you doing?" I knitted my eyebrows together, smacking her hand away from my arm. 

"He's a traitor, Kane needs to die," I pushed her away from me, "Don't you make me kill you to Y/n," She said through gritted teeth. 

"Let me talk to him before you even think about doing anything," I warned her while pointing my finger at her, she nodded backing away slowly. I rushed down the hallway, looking in every room until I came upon the cockpit. My father was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, "Father?" He looked at me slowly, narrowing his eyes towards me.

"Y/n? Why are you awake?" I slowly walked over towards him, kneeling down in front of him. 

"Don't worry about it, how are you feeling?" I questioned and he grabbed hold of my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"I'm doing alright," He mumbled quietly but he shook his head quickly, "Why are you out of cryo?" He questioned in a demanding tone.

A cough came from the other side of the room, "It because I took her off of it," Octavia's voice made everyone's head snap in her direction, I fell to the floor when my father he got up from the chair. I got up from the ground and tucked my hair behind my ear. I was petrified of her because I knew what she was capital of, she would do anything to get what she wanted, "You should have died traitor," She said through gritted teeth. 

"And you would have killed us if we were still down in the bunker," Kane said through gritted teeth, I rushed towards him as he almost fell to the ground. He was coughing up blood by now, she just looked at him.

"You're a monster," I spoke softly as I stared at her then suddenly, my father fell to the floor. He passed out and Abby rushed towards him, his pulse was weak, "We have to get him back in cryosleep," She nodded and I helped her get him back, I didn't want to lose him, not like this.

Once we got him back in cryosleep I rushed towards Octavia, "What the hell is your problem," I pushed her against a wall, "You are not bloodreina anymore, means you can't control us anymore," I had my forearm against her chest, I couldn't believe she would push him like that. He was just trying to help others and here he was, close to dying.

"He's a traitor and you know it," She screamed at me 

"I'm sick of you using that as an excuse, so does that mean you are a traitor as well for all the things you've done," I pushed and backed away from her, shaking my head, "I'm about to lose my father because you think you are god," I said turning around and walking away, "No surprise that your brother doesn't want to be aro-," Before I could finish my sentence, Bellamy was standing right in front of me. 

"Y/n?" He looked confused, "Who woke you up?"

I looked back towards his sister, "She did," I watched him look at her and I walked away, I needed to get away from them both. But footsteps chased after me, he grabbed my arm and turned me around. Hugging me tightly, tears started to emerge and I felt like I was going to fall over, "Bell," I whispered.

"Shh, come on let us go somewhere private," He whispered back and he wrapped his arm around my waist, he walked towards an empty room, "I know my sister is out of control but I want you not to talk to her because I have a feeling she is trying to push you," I backed away from him and sat on the bed.

"She wants my father died," I whispered softly, tears were falling down my cheeks by now. He slowly walked towards the bed I was sitting on and sat next to me, I rested my head on his shoulder and took in a deep breath, "I'm sorry but she's trying to make me kill him but I just can't."

"Well, I'm going down to the ground to see if it's bearable for us," He stated and I looked up towards him, "Come with us," I blinked before nodded.

"Is she coming as well?" I questioned as I lifted my head up to look at him, I breathed in deeply and he just stared at him for a moment before answering. I stopped crying but I still worried about my father, I wondered if he was going to be alright. 

He took in a deep breath, "No, she'll put us in danger if she goes with us," I rested my head back on his shoulder, I took in a deep breath. It had been so long since I've seen him and I couldn't stand not being around him, he kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes content.

I know it has been a long time since I've updated and I'm sorry about that, I have been really busy with work. I hope you enjoy! But I'm excited to be back and writing, hopefully, you like what I'm going to put out there. Comment below if you been here with me since the beginning!

 Comment below if you been here with me since the beginning!

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