Bellamy - Forced

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I know it has been awhile since I've uploaded and I'm sorry for that, I've been really busy and my laptop broke. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


"Get your hands off of my me," I yelled at the men forcing me to go into the room, I tried digging my feet into the floor but failed horribly. They pushed me in making me fall forward, I landed into a metal bed. I turned my head and tried rushing towards the door but they closed it before I could get to it, I slammed my fist against the door, "Let me out," I screamed at them but they walked away before hearing my pleas. 

I placed my back against door, hitting my head softly. I wanted to get out of here, the only reason why I got myself into this mess is because Bellamy and I were trying to save our friends. He got away but they got me, they took all of my weapons. I needed to get out of here but I just didn't know how. The men locked the door from the outside, I felt like a trapped animal.

"You must be Y/n," I heard an elder mans voice speak, I looked up and narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't worry I'm not planning on hurting you," He spoke, he was sitting in a chair with his legs crossed. 

"Why would I believe you?" I questioned getting up from the ground, wiping off the dust that were on my pants, "You have my people trapped here so how can I believe you won't do me harm," I waved my hands when I was finished, I walked towards the bed and sat down. 

He narrowed his eyes at me, "If I were hurting your people than why am I in here?" He waved around the white room, "I never wanted to hurt your people, I just wanted peace," He stated and I nodded at him. I wasn't sure if I could believe him or not but I didn't want to find out, "Believe me or not, we are both here so might as well deal with each other," He added before picking up a book. 

"Unlike you, I'm not staying here for long."

He sighed, "I beg to differ." 


I ran back to Arkadia, rushing through the gate while everyone stared at me. It felt like my feet were going to fall off but I kept going, I got Y/n captured and I wasn't going to rest until I got her and the rest of our people back, "Bellamy," I heard someone yell for me, I stopped in my tracks and looked at who it was, Clark, "What's going on," She said rushing towards me. 

"Y/n," I was out of breath and that was all I could get out. 

"What about Y/n?" She questioned resting her hand on my shoulder, I sucked in a breath, "Tell me," She demanded and I glared at her, "Is she in trouble?" She questioned before I could even answer.

"The mountain men took her," I confessed looking down at the ground, "I was only gone for a few minutes and they took her, I couldn't save her," I ran my fingers through my hair, groaning at what happened. I heard her screams, she yelled my name before they knocked her out, "She yelled for my Clark and I wasn't there to help," I groaned in annoyance, I was annoyed at myself because I couldn't save her. 

"Don't worry, we will get her back," Then she took her hand away from me, "We won't let her stay in there for lo-," But before she could finish her mother rushed over towards us. 

"What's going on her?" She questioned while her eyebrows were knitted together. 

"Y/n has been taken by the mountain men," Clark spoke when I didn't have the courage to speak, "We have to get her," She spoke but her mother shook her head, I glared at her. Confused on why we couldn't save her and the rest of our people. 

"We are still trying to be on good terms with the grounders, we can't jeopardize that for just one people and I know that's all you want to do Bellamy," I shook my head but she held up her hand, "I am in charge here and we are not risk our troops on a rescue mission that is pointless."

"You would leave our people and especially Y/n in the hands of those mad men, I want her out of there and if I have to go in there by myself then I will," I screamed at her, she backed away from me and everyone was staring at us now, "I want to save her and our people because that is the right thing to do, you don't know what they are doing to them in there," I yelled at everyone who was staring. 

"Y/n is lost," Abby spoke and I glared at her. 

"She isn't lost to me."


I stayed completely still when they drew blood from me, "Why are my people here?" I questioned and the girl looked at me, shaking her head slightly as to we can't speak here. I looked around and wondered what she would be trying to say to me, guards were at the door then I realized she was the one helping us. 

"This might sting," She spoke drawing out the needle, "I'll show you to where the others are," She added before standing up straight. 

"What about the guards?" I questioned. 

"Don't worry," She whispered which caught my attention, "I'm on your side, what they are doing to you isn't worth living on the outside of these walls," She explained to me. I nodded, "They are finally letting you walk the halls if you behave, if you don't then they'll send you back to the cells," She whispered in my ear. 

"Hey, get away from her," One of the guards yelled at the young girl, she backed away from me and I narrowed my eyebrows at her. 

"Calm down, I'm not giving her anything that she doesn't already need," She raised her hands, showing them she had nothing in her hands. She walked forward and I noticed a lump in the back of her pants, a gun. I raised my eyebrows when she put her hands down, she grabbed for the weapon and shot both of the men, "Come on before more of them come because of the shots," I hurried out of bed. 

"Where are we going?" I questioned her but she didn't answer me until we were out of the room, running down the hallway. I steadied my pace behind her until we got to a door, she opened it and motioned me to get inside.

"Stay inside until I come back," Then she shut the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts until I heard a rustle. 

"Who's there," I whispered turning around and stepping forward, "Come out now o-," Before I finish my sentence Jasper came out of the shadows, "Jasper," I gasped rushing towards him and wrapping my arms around him. 

He hugged me in return, "Y/n, what are you doing here?" He questioned pulling backwards.

"I was taken from the woods, Bellamy and I were out there and he left me, they jumped me and brought me back here," I confessed then looked around to see everyone from the drop ship, "You all are here?" Then I looked back at Jasper, he nodded. I took a step back, "We have to get out of here."

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