Murphy - I Promise

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Screaming. That's all I heard from my tent, I shot my eyes open and quickly got up from the bed I was laying in, "Let's float him," I heard someone say, I narrowed my eyes and rushed out the tent. Everyone was gathered around someone, the first person I noticed was Clarke with her bright blonde hair. She was in the middle of everything, she always was. Along side her was Bellamy and he was yelling at her but I couldn't hear a word he was saying, everyone was chanting to float someone. Who?

My question was answered quickly as I saw Murphy being shoved to the ground, "What the hell," I whispered to myself, my feet moved before my thoughts. I pushed through the people that wouldn't move because they wanted to see what was happening, "Move," I shoved past someone with red hair, she glared at me but looked away quickly. 

"This is what you wanted," I suddenly heard Bellamy yell over everyone, I looked towards her, she was holding his knife. The knife that he couldn't find for an entire day, I focused my attention on Murphy. Blood was running down his face but I couldn't get a good look at him, they started dragging him out of camp. 

Everyone followed, wanting to watch him be tortured. I stopped someone and they stared at me, "What did he do?" I questioned before looking back towards the direction he was being dragged in.

"He killed Wells," My hand instantly flew up to my mouth, "Yeah, my reaction as well that's why he's getting payback," He left me standing there but I took off and ran passed him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, Murphy had a rope around his neck. His eyes found mine quickly and tears were falling. 

"Stop this," I yelled pushing past people but before I could get to him, someone kicked the stool out from under his feet. Bellamy and Clarke were at the center of it all, I pushed past people and pushed Clarke to the ground, "What the hell is wrong with you," I screamed at her, she stared at me in shook.

"What did you expect people to do, he's the one that killed Wells," She screamed back at me. 

"Cut him down now," Clarke stared at me while she was on the ground, "You have no idea if he did this or not," I continued to yell at her. I heard yelling and screaming, everything was in chaos until Finn got there, he was trying to get them to cut him down but they shoved him.

"He didn't do it, I killed Wells," Everyone went quiet, I darted my eyes towards Charlette. Tears were rushing down her cheeks.

"Cut him down now," I screamed at them, they listened to me this time. He hit the ground hard, I rushed towards him and brushed the hair from his forehead. I quickly removed the rope from around his neck,  he coughed. I looked up towards Clarke, he was staring down at him and I, "Get her out of here," I told her and she quickly rushed towards the little girl, grabbing her wrist, pulling her away from the crowd. Finn followed after them, I breathed in deeply and looked back down towards Murphy. He rested his head against the ground, "Come on, let's get up and get back to camp," I helped him get up. 

When we got back to camp, I guided him to the tent that we shared. I could tell he was anger, "I'm going to kill her," He screamed out in rage when I let go of him, I stared at him. Locking eyes with him when he turns towards me, he breathed in deeply before running his hand over his face, "You aren't stopping me."

I glared at him, "You will not, she's just a little girl," The look on his face made me cringe away from him, "You can't, please. I'm sick of the killing," I begged him. I sat down on the cot, looking at my hands, "Ever since we landed, that's the way it has been. Killing or hurting others for no reason. I know you think you have a reason to hurt her but do you really?" I asked looking up at him.

He stared at me, "She sat back and watched me get hung when I did nothing wrong," He answered my question, I nodded.

I didn't say anything for the longest time and he sat next to me, reaching over towards my hands. Rubbing his thumbs against my skin, "I won't be here if you do it," I muttered looking up at him, he squeezed my hand.

"I won't," I sighed in relief and rested my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes, "I promise, let's lay down and get some sleep," I laid down first, he laid beside me and wrapped his arms around me. Bringing me closer, I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

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