Jasper - You promised PART 1

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It all happened suddenly, they only took one person. Then all at once they started being cruel, taking us when we were sleeping. They would drug us so that we wouldn't make any noise when they did take us, I made sure to sleep with Jasper so just in case something happens one of us would wake up. He made sure to keep his arm around me, keeping me close. It made me feel protected.

"Jasper I want to go home," I whispered as we got ready for bed, he was putting a new shirt on, "Didn't Bellamy tell you that the ark is on the ground?" I questioned, walking towards him. He looked at me, he nodded. I sighed in relief, knowing that my mother would be on the ground.

He walked over to me, "Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you," He quietly spoke, scooping me up in his arms. Tightening them when I let out a sob, "Shh, we don't want to show them that we are weak," He whispered against my hair, I nodding knowing that he was right.

"Let's go to bed," I mumbled under my breathe so only he could hear me.

All of a sudden, the doors busted open, the guards and the doctor came into the room. They were ready for anything that we would give them. Everyone got out of bed, standing straight to show that we weren't afraid but in all reality we were terrified. At least I knew I was, "I want her," She pointed towards me, my eyes widened.

Jasper stood in front of me, "You can't take her," He yelled, stepping in front of me.

She just raised her eyebrow as everyone formed into a barrier so they couldn't get to me, but it didn't seem to work when I felt a hand on my wrist. I looked down to see a guard on the bed next to me, pulling me towards him, "Jasper," I screamed trying to grab onto him but couldn't. He hurried towards me, grabbing onto my wrist but let go when he remembered Bellamy giving him a gun.

He pulled it out, pointing it at the doctor, "Let her go or I will kill her," He ordered but the guard didn't listen. This time he fired a round into the air making us all stop, "I told you to let her go," He yelled before he aimed it at the guard who was holding onto me.

"Don't do that," The doctor stated taking a step forward, I glared at her, "You all are only going to help my people," She muttered before waving her hand making the guard move again. I eyed Jasper, he was still holding the gun in his hands. Still aiming it at the guard.

"Shoot him Jasper," I yelled at him but he didn't listen to me.

I widened my eyes when another hand grabbed my other wrist, "Don't resist," His deep voice sent chills down my back but I didn't listen to him. Eyeing Jasper when a guard tackled him to the ground, "He will be next," The man holding me whispered in my ear. I struggled against his hold until I held a hard object on the back of my head, knocking me out cold.

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