Bellamy - We are going to save you part 2

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Helloo sorry for not posting anything yesterday! I worked really hard on this so I could post it today, I hope you enjoy! Plus I'm open for taking request, I love doing this! Just message me over in the message box, I would love to hear form you!

I also can't wait for season 5 of the 100 coming next Tuesday! I'm literally watching it as I type now :) 

It has been three days since I ran into Bellamy, everything has gotten worse for the 47. Much worse. They found almost 7 people leaving only 40 for us to hide, it was getting much harder then I thought. My people were taking their bone marrow, it made me sick that they would hurt people just so they can get to the ground, "What are we going to do y/n," Mia whispered to me as we walked down the hallway.

I shrugged, "I'm not sure but all of this has to stop," I whispered back, turning my head to make sure that no one was following us. Luckily everyone was busy with the fact that they found out about Bellamy, "I hope Bellamy is okay," I muttered under my breathe.

She looked at me, a smirk plastered on her face, "You have a crush on him, don't you?" She mumbled, I looked away from her. Focusing on the path ahead, "I knew it," She started, "I'm pretty sure he is into you as well," She added linking our arms as if we weren't bothered by any of this.

I shook my head, "That's not true, anyway there's no way I've only known him for three days," I muttered, even if he did, it would be a total mistake, "Plus I'm pretty sure he only sees me as the girl that's helping him save his people," I stated.

"Nope that's not what Jasper told me," She giggled, I raised my eyebrow at her. Waiting for her to continue, "Jasper told me that he told him that he would save you if it came down to it," That made my cheek flush, "I knew it, you fancy him," She elbowed me.

"I'm done with this conversation," I groaned, unlinking our arms. Walking a little faster so that I could lose her but that wasn't the case, she kept up with me. She knew that she wasn't the time to talk about this stuff but she had to bring it up anyway. Just because I find him attractive doesn't mean he makes me weak at the knees, just thinking about him makes me want to protect him. I shook my head, what am I thinking, he is only here to save his people.

"Y/n come on, we have to act normal so we don't get caught," I glared at her, did she not know that I knew that?

I rolled my eyes, "I knew that," I whispered, stopping when I saw Bellamy at the end of the hall out of breath. I quickly ran towards him, kneeling down to make sure that he was alright, "What happened?" I questioned him. He looked up at me, smirking.

"Oh, you know just running around her for fun," He was all sweaty, blood dripping from his nose. He surely didn't look alright, I smacked him in the arm, "Well it's kind of hard to get around here when they know that I'm here," He straightened up, running his hand along his face.

"You can be out in the open like this," Mia voice came out, "Come on, where is your hat?" She questioned.

"I lost it while I was being chased," He stated, I stood up straight, "Don't get to worried about me y/n, I'll be fine," He gently nudged me.

"Yeah you really look fine," I mocked, he only gave me a smirk that made me weak at the knees, "Stop staring at me like that, let's get you hidden," I muttered. I watched Mia walk ahead us off, making sure that no one was in the hall that we were going to take, "You are so lucky that the cameras aren't working right now," I whispered to him as he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"Well least you didn't just blow up the acid fog containments," He threw back at me, I glared up at him. He was already looking at me, "Did I ever tell you that you are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen?" He questioned, I shook my head looking towards Mia, "Well you are," He added.

"You sure you didn't bump your head?" He didn't say anything.

It became silent after that, a few looks from Mia making sure that we wouldn't fall behind, "Come on," She waved her hands, "In this room," She pointed towards a room that we would go to get some peace and quiet, "Don't you still have to check in?" Mia questioned, Bellamy nodded.

We walked into the room, walking towards the painting that was over that large hole. I picked the painting up quickly, setting it down onto the ground. Bellamy picked up the radio mic, "Raven are you there?"

"Bellamy what did I tell you, every hour means every hour," Raven's voice spoke through the radio, "What's going on?" She questioned him.

"Raven I got the acid fog under control but Raven," He stopped looking at me, "They are already finding us, we need Clark."

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