Monty - (I'm Glad as Well)

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Oh my gosh, The 100 is such an amazing show. I'm completely in love, Octavia is definitely one of my favorite character. I also like Bellamy, I don't know if i can choose. Is that wrong? I don't think so :) 

I was looking around for Monty, I had to tell him, I had to tell him that I was in love with him. That I've known all this time that he had feelings for me, ever since we met on the Ark. Ever since we were kids running around the halls, he was certainly my best friend and I didn't want that to change. I've known but I've never told him, I thought that he moved on since we made it to the ground.

We were always getting into trouble, not the kind of trouble that would get us locked up in the skybox but small things. Then one day we decided to hack into the Ark's Maine frame, they found us right away. Our people made this rule that we don't float people under eighteen, I was glad for that rule. Both of us were locked in different holds, I didn't see him for about a year and a half. It was torture not seeing him, that's when I knew. Glad that I got to come down to the ground with him, "Monty come on with me," I said when I found him.

I grabbed his hand, "Can't we just stay here?" He spoke as I pulled him towards an opening in the wall, "It's dangerous out there."

I giggled at him, "Don't be such a scared, where is your sense of adventure," I spoke letting go of his hand, walking out into the forest. He followed. I was only a few feet in front of him, we continued until we made it to an open field. It was filled with all sorts of flowers, "There gorgeous," I spoke in awe, I then looked at him.

A smile was plastered on his face, "Yeah they are," He muttered looking around, "Why'd you bring me out here?" He questioned as he looked back at me, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I actually have something to confess to you," I stated, I laughed to myself.

"And you couldn't tell me this back at camp," He laughed pointing back where the camp was. I walked towards him, grabbing onto his hands, he held a confused look, "What are you doing?" He questioned as I placed a kiss onto his lips, he didn't know what to do but soon he kissed me back.

"I think I'm in love with you Monty," I whispered, he drew back his head. Widening his eyes, "I know that I shouldn't say this but it's the truth and I want to get it off of my chest," I confessed rubbing my thumbs against his skin, "I mean I know you have a crush on me, at least I think you do."

"Will you just be quiet," He ordered, kissing me again, "I feel the same way," He mumbled placing his forehead against mine, "You have no idea," He stated squeezing my hands, it comforted me.

"I'm glad that you are saying these things," That's when he kissed me again, this time more passionately.

He chuckled against my lips, "I'm glad as well," He was smiling, "We should get back before they miss us to much," I laughed at his statement, knowing very well only a few people would come searching for us. We headed back hand and hand, talking about anything and everything. 

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