Lexa- You brought me back

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@jade_angel_15 here is a Lexa imagine for you. I hope you like it, I tried to put a lot of thought into it and it was tough thinking of an idea for a Lexa Imagine so i hope you enjoy :)

I walked slowly throughout the forest, trying a place to hide from all the madness that has been going on. Clarke killing Fin and the commander taking her troops away so we could beat mount weather; it was all a huge mess that I couldn't handle right now.

Flashes of the memories that happened in the last month went through my head, Fin was there for me when I needed him most but yet he is gone and can't help me now. He was one of my closest friends, I missed him terribly. I was mid thought when I heard the bushes rushing, 'Oh great another thing that could go wrong with this day,' I thought looking to the bush that the sound came from.

I took a few steps towards it but stopped when a panther jumped out tackling me to the ground, "Help," I screamed but it was no use. I struggled trying to get the knife that was in the hostler but it was no use, 'I'm going to die for sure,' I cried out myself. The huge cat like creature clawed at my face and stomach making me scream out in pain.

All of a sudden I heard a yelled but I couldn't see who it was, my thoughts were all jumbled up when the weight of the animal was off of me. It was hard to breathe and I struggled bringing my hands to my stomach, I screamed out in pain.

A hand found there was to me making me look at the person that saved me, "Le-x-a," I tried to get out but it was hard with the amount of blood that was seeping out of my mouth.

"Shhh don't speak," She spoke calmly. It was getting hard to stay awake so I let go of everything and closed my eyes.

I woke up to find that I wasn't in the forest anymore but in a bedroom, I was covered with blankets. I lifted them up to see that I was banded up to the point that I did survive the wounds that I had. It hurt when I moved but I had to see where I was, it definitely didn't help that I didn't have a shirt on.

I got out of bed bringing a small fur blanket that covered my chest, I walked over to the window to see that I was in a place that I never been to. I heard people talk about it but I forgot the name, Polish I think.

My thoughts were interrupted when a door opened revealing Lexa, "You're awake that's good," The young commander spoke, "How are you feeling?" I just stared at her not saying anything, "That's fine if you don't want to speak."

"You saved me," I stated slightly shocked on why she would save me in the first place.

She smirked, "Yes I did," She walked into the room fully sitting on the bed, "You probably wonder why," I nodded my head wanting to know, "Well I was following you in the forest when the incident happened and I couldn't let you be killed," She stated, "I wanted to know more about you," She added.

"Why?" I asked

She got up from her place from the bed and walked over to me and looked out the window, "You perked my interest Y/N of the Sky people," She spoke looking to me, "I wanted to know who you were."

"I'm nothing special so you should probably just let me go and let your people have their with me," I whispered looking down at the ground.

She lifted my chin up looking into my eyes, "I wouldn't have saved you if you weren't special to me," She stated gently placing both hands to my cheeks, she treated me like I was a doll that was close to breaking, "Stay with me Y/N of the Sky people."

"You saved me commander," I whispered looking into her eyes, "You brought me back when I needed someone the most."

"And I will be here till the end of time my hodnes," She spoke softly bringing her lips to mine.

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