Bellamy - He's Gone Part 2

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Would you like me to do other Imagines? Just tell me who you want me to do them on, I could make another book for whoever you recommend! I need more projects!

47 Days After Prymefire

47 days. 47 days since he left and never come back, he told Octavia that they were going to try to get up to the ring. When she asked if he wanted to talk to me, his response was cut off before I could get his answer. I remember the look on her face, it was sorrow for not bring able to see her brother and pity because she thought he didn't want to say goodbye to me. I was used to having people give me that look by now, like they pitied me for something that I have done to myself.

I stayed in my room for a good amount of time, Octavia bringing me food until they started cutting back food. I would stay to myself mostly, Abby tried to get me to come out and to talk to me people. The day that our people locked the hydro-farm, I was part of wanting it for myself. So when they got the door open they arrested all of us that were a part of it, Octavia was speechless when I came forward to clam my punishment. I thought she would just put me out of my misery, but they took us to the center of the ring. Made us fight each other, I was the one that came out victories.

I wasn't proud of myself, killing people that I knew for so many years but I should have let them take me down. A part of me wanted to survive, to thrive and to kill those who wanted to take me down. She made me her right hand, her support and the one that would give her advice. She took everything I said in consideration, it made me feel wanted. I was her mercenary, for the ones that we needed, I never lost a battle.

Till this day, six years later, I'm still by her side. Watching people fight for there freedom, until one day Kane was in the center of the arena. The person that took care of me most when I was a child, when my parents were floated for the crimes of stealing food. I sucked in my breathe when his opponent came into the ring. He was a lot bigger than him, "Can't I take him on Bloodraina?" I questioned, stepping closer so no one could hear me, she looked at me shocked, "I mean no disrespect but we need Kane and I would be honored to take his place," I continued to speak but she held up her hand before I could continue.

"Why do you wish to fight?" She questioned me, she knew why I wanted to, she just wanted me to say it out loud, "Speak now or hold you tongue before I cut it out if you speak to me about this again," I stayed silent, knowing if I did speak, I would get punished. I just nodded my head and stepped back in my place, keeping my eyes averted from the fight that was going on below me.

Kane won, leaving Octavia to make the decision to fight again or if he would survive along with us, "You will fight again tomorrow," Her voice spoke throughout the room. I sank my head to watch them take him away, he fought against them. Trying to get her to see it from his point of view, it has been hell these past 6 years but we learned to manage. The thought of Bellamy, leaving my mind completely.


47 Days After Prymefire

Thoughts of Y/n crossed my mind, wishing that she would have come along with us but I knew she would have been better off down with Octavia. I didn't mean to say it was over, when she said those word, you would pick her over me any day, it wasn't true not in the slightest but when she said that I snapped. Wanting to make her feel like she wasn't important to me when she was, I hoped to see her one day but I knew it wouldn't be anytime soon.

I helped Monty with the algae farm, I remember the first batch almost killing us. It put Murphy in a coma for a week, we would make improvements with each time that we would come up with something. Thoughts of Y/n came into my mind every now and then, it drove me insane not know if she was alright or not. Echo was the one to bring me out of my rut, making me have feelings for her but in the back of my mind Y/n still had my heart. No matter what, Echo knew that but she also thought that we would never see each other again.

6 years passed, I was completely committed to Echo. Fully realizing that I was never going to see Y/n again because we couldn't find a way to the ground, "Raven," My voice sound rough from lack of sleep as she finished sparing with Echo, I smiled at her but then walked away. Taking hold of Raven's elbow and leading her away from the rest, "Have you found a way to the ground yet?" I questioned her, there was a slight hope that I would see her again. Tell her that everything that I said wasn't true and that I wanted to be with her, but I wasn't sure if she would want me back after all these years.

"I'm working on it," She started to say, walking towards the big screen the was plastered on the wall, "You see this," She pointed at something that popped up on the screen, "We have no fuel to get down to the ground and if you would like to try to find some then I suggest you go back to Echo and stop worrying about Y/n because you made your choice when you picked her," She stated looking towards where Echo was standing. I knew she was right but I didn't want to admit it, I made my decision and I had to stick with it.

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