Roan - Breathe

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Part 2

"How are you feeling?" I heard a raspy voice say as I slowly opened my eyes, I whimpered in pain as I tried speaking. He shushed me, "It's okay, relax, you are safe now," I looked around the room, brightness surrounded all around me. I blinked a few times before refocusing on the man sitting beside me, long messy hair fell to his shoulders and his piercing blue eyes stared at me. He was making me self-conscious and immediately fixed my hair, "You don't need to do that."

"Why?" I spoke when I got the courage to speak but the one word made me wince in pain, my throat still hurt. I didn't completely understand why, was I screaming way too much?

He sighed, "Because you look ravishing even if your hair is a complete mess," My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks heat up from the complement, "Anyways, you don't have to worry about anything here. You are safe and no one will ever lay a harmful hand on you," I raised my eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"My people know that if they hurt you, they will be dealing with me," I still gave him a questioning look, "I know this all confusing but when I saw you in the woods, I knew that you were meant to become my queen," I scooted away from him instantly but falling off the bed entirely. 

"Ow," I groaned out in pain and rubbed my hip, he was quick to his feet and walked towards me. I pointed his finger towards him, he stopped, "Don't come near me," I spoke harshly, "I can't be your queen, I hardly know you and I don't even know if I should stay here," I quickly spoke before getting onto my feet, I breathed in deeply and looked around for my way of escape.

"Don't run, I promise I won't hurt you," I blinked at him.

"What makes me think I should trust you."

He drew out his sword and kneeled down in front of me, staring at me while he did so, "Because my life is in your hands as of today," He held his sword towards me, handle facing me, "If you don't then take it and kill me."

I grabbed the handle, holding it for a minute before taking it away from him completely. I lifted it up, ready to swing but stopped when his eyes closed. I gasped and the sword fell to the floor, I stumbled back and brought my hands to my face. 

He looked up at me, my eyes were beginning to tear up and I wasn't expecting to feel this way. Feeling like I needed to be here with him, like I was meant to be here.

-A Few Months Later-

I walked down the hallway, Roan beside me. Our hands intertwined as we walked, I looked up at him but he was looking down at me already, "What?" I smiled up at him, staring into his blue eyes. 

"You are absolutely breathtaking," His thick voice made me shiver and he chuckled, "Are you ready to meet the clan leaders?"

"I'm nervous," I tightened my hold on his hand and he squeezed back, "What if they don't approve of me?"

"I don't care what they think, they are not my people. You are," I looked away from him, staring at the doors as we walked towards them. Nerves beginning to set in, I brought my hand up to fix the crown that was placed on top of my head then playing with my hair, "Stop, you are beautiful," His voice soothed me and I breathed in deeply, looking back up at him and nodding. 

The doors opened and people turned towards us, staring. I squeezed and he squeezed back, if I was with him nothing can hurt me. I knew that, he would protect me if someone tried hurting me. We walked inside the room and I looked around, their faces holding scowls as they looked between Roan and I. I broke eye contact and stared ahead, "Y/n?"

I recognized the voice and turned; Clark was staring at me with wide eyes, "Clark?" I let go of Roans hand and rushed towards her, engulfing her in a head. She looked different, black markings smeared across her face, "What are you doing here?"

"We are becoming the thirteenth clan but more important, where have you been? We thought you were dead?"  

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