Bellamy - I will always find you PART 2

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I'm so sorry for the long wait for updating, I've been busy. Plus I've been running dry with the ideas, maybe I have to watch the series again lol I'll get right on that, but if you want to send me request I'm totally open to doing so.

We were on the ground, I was with a group that was being lead by Pike. We had to fight, taking their clothes to make them think that we were one of them. It was hard, I thought Bellamy died down here but I wasn't sure. We couldn't find out people, we landed in a part of the land that was dangerous. It was covered by ice and snow, it was extremely rough on us but we managed to get through. The group rummaged the lands to survive, we all wanted to live.

One day we cut down a tree so if anyone passed through than they would be trapped. We were watching, I kept my eyes on the road. Waiting for anything to come until I heard a noise, it was a car. I squinted my eyes together, I couldn't tell who was inside. They stopped in front of the tree, we waited, watching until one of them came out of the top. I couldn't tell who it was but Pike was already on top of the rover, "Don't move or I will kill you," Pike stated, he was holding a gun to his head.

They slowly got out of the car, I walked out slowly, looking at them thoroughly. Every one of us had someone, "Please we are not here to harm you, we are just looking for our people," That voice, it was all too familiar, I was holding onto someone that was to be about my height, I wasn't sure who it was. I couldn't quite tell, "Please," He begged, I looked towards him.

"Bellamy," I whispered and he looked at me, it was him. I quickly took off my mask, he widened his eyes, "Is it really you," I mumbled under my breathe, taking a step towards him. I wasn't sure if he wasn't real or not but I kept walking towards him, until I was in front of him. Staring at him, he was beginning to get facial hair. I missed him so much that I couldn't bare being without him, I should have gone down with him when he went but I decided not to.

"Y/n," He whispered under his breathe, bringing his hands up and placing them on cheeks, "It's really you," Tears were forming in his eyes, I couldn't handle it anymore. I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tight. Making sure that he wasn't going anywhere, "I've missed you so much," He mumbled against my skin.

"Well least we are here with friends," We pulled apart, looking around us to see that everyone had their mask off, Monty and his mother reunited. I looked back towards Bellamy, he was staring at me. Pike patted him on the back, "Thank the lord that we found you, she wouldn't shut up about you," He stated, I hid my face in his chest.

"Looks like I found you again," Bellamy muttered as Pike walked away, I smiled at him.

"Looks like you did," Then I kiss him, kissed like there was no tomorrow. I didn't want to lose him again, "I love you," I mumbled against his lips.

"I've been waiting so long to hear those words from your lips for so long," He stated, placing his forehead against mine, "I love you too."

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