Monty - It's going to be alright.

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I quickly walked towards the small group that contained, Monty, Harper, Mia, and two others that I didn't recognized, "We have to stop this before it gets out of hand," Monty spoke first, looking to me that just sat down among the group. A guy with a shaved head turned up the radio, they could hear us but not with the radio turned up like this.

"What are we going to do about this?" I questioned looking from Harper and Monty, "We have to get out of here," I stated rubbing my hands along my face. Why did they want us? "Why would they want us anyway," I didn't know the truth,

"They want to use your blood to make them survive on the ground," Mia stated, grabbing Jasper's hand.

"Then we have to get out of here," I mumbled, looking at everyone in the group, "I know about Bellamy and I know about this but we should be fighting to get out of here," I added.

"We can't just fight this men, they have guns and we have nothing," The man with shaggy hair spoke, I think his name was Jasper, I wasn't sure. I didn't get out much, to have friends when we landed, "We know that Bellamy is in the walls making sure that everything will be already, he was trying to get the toxic fog under control. Under Clarks orders, I wish she was here right now, to help us with this.

"I know that," I stated glaring at him.

Monty coughed, "We are not going to get anywhere if we fight against each other," He muttered looking at me, I shook my head, I just wanted to go home. I got up from the bed, "y/n we need your help as well."

"Well you can find it somewhere else," I stated walking away, walking towards the door. Pushing the doors open, walking in any direction that I could get away from everyone. If I was meant to die then I should just walk towards the danger but I felt a hand on my wrist, pulling me towards a chest.

It was Monty, it had to me him, he was the only one that would come after me, "y/n please," He begged as he tangled his fingers in my hair, "I know what's wrong," He muttered in my ear.

"You don't know anything," I stated looking up at him.

"I know that this was the day that your parents were floated, that you are mourning for them," He mumbled, kissing my forehead, "It's alright to be made about it, it's alright to be not okay," He stated looking at my wet face, I was crying by now.

"I just don't understand, why am I still here if they died because of me," I whispered but he rocked me back and forth, "I just don't understand," I repeated.

I placed my head on his chest, "It will be alright y/n, I'm here for you," He mumbled placing his head in the crock of my neck, "Everything will be alright and we will get out of here," He whispered in my ear, I nodded.

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