Bombay Mixx - Chapter One - Part Twelve

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Chapter One – New Pastures?

(Part Twelve)

I took notes, did menial tasks for the ones who couldn’t be bothered to do them themselves and mingled with the team around me with small talk and getting to know the office gossip. So far, I have found out that Daniel has tried it on with all the ladies in the department, without much success. Ann was single and was a dinosaur in her previous life and there was mixed opinions about Angus. ‘I thought he was so gorgeous when I first started to work here but then I realised what a male, chauvinist pig he was,’ Deborah proclaimed as though she had some history with him. ‘I think he’s ok. Not bad eye candy for the office and the sexiest accent I’ve heard so far.

He could ask me to do anything with that accent and I doubt I’d be saying no!’ Leah swooned, to which everyone started laughing.

Leah was the funny one in my new section but she was a gossip. If you needed to know who was sleeping with whom, who got promoted but didn’t want anyone to know or who was having an affair with a younger woman, she was the lady to go to.

She had been working in the accounts department for a year and already had two office romances herself; none of which was with my own personal Fergus McNessa. ‘I wish his healing hands were on me right now,’ my mind wandered again!    

I was happy when it hit 5.30pm and it was time to go. ‘Oh I’m glad I found you before you went home. I hope you have enjoyed today but I will need you to be in the office tomorrow at 8.30am as we have a meeting with Mr. Maguire and the rest of the management team. Please be on time. Good evening.’ Ann stated as she followed me to the lift making sure I was not able to run away. ‘I can’t believe I will have to get up an extra hour earlier! This meeting better be worth it! Actually, of course it’ll be worth it, Angus will be there!’ I dreamed as I nodded to her request and bid her a good evening.    

I arrived back at the flat an hour later and before I reached the door I knew we had company. Gabrielle’s fake laughter meant there were men there and I heard bottle corks flying across the room so I knew Amelia was at home. I opened the door with a heavy heart knowing I would have to have an action plan to make it to my bedroom in one piece. ‘Hey, Neets. How was your first day at work? Neets works in stocks you know!’ Amelia drunkenly announced.

Before I could answer her, Gabrielle decided to finish off the job description. ‘No she works in the accounts department at a stockbroker’s,’ she said with a bitchy smile. ‘I actually had a good day. It’s really interesting and the people are really nice,’ I replied whilst I got my own half drunk bottle of wine from the fridge and rooted for a clean glass. ‘I bet the people are really nice!’ Amelia chuckled, ‘have you met Angus yet?’ she continued. ‘How did she know Angus? I couldn’t see him at a fashion show or at any of her regular bars or clubs! Oh god, I hope she hasn’t slept with him or knows someone who has.’ I got anxious at the thought but tried to retain my nerves, ‘yep, I met him today. He seems quite nice. How do you know him?’ I asked the question not wanting to know the answer.

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