Bombay Mixx - Chapter One - Part Eight

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Chapter One – New Pastures?

(Part Eight)

On the packed tube where I was wedged under a stony faced businessman, who looked like his chauffeur was ill and that was why he had to ride the Tube with the commoners, and then I started to wonder (trying not to focus on the armpit I was wedged under or the skinny, pretty suited woman who would rather crush her ribs to squeeze herself onto the Tube, knowing there was not enough space to breathe let alone get her and her huge briefcase on with!), it’s 7.45am and I would expect to be smelling the sweet scent of flowery perfume that makes you think of summertime in the country, sexy, masculine aftershave that makes you think I would love to rip that shirt of your chest just to get a better smell and taste of that sexy aroma, but instead I was smelling… very strong coffee on breaths, sour sweat, cheap, over powering heady scented aftershave and sweet and sickly perfume which made your head spin if you got to close to the culprit!

I had to get off the train!

As soon as the train pulled into my station, I jumped off and ran to the exit as quick as my legs would take me, I needed the air otherwise I would throw up.

Walking into the huge glass building made feel uneasy and very nervous.

I imagined everyone that worked here was super human; the women would all be stick thin even though they managed to produce three children, have a perfect husband, who had a high powered job; they would have a nanny who would look after there three posh offspring in their country home as a city dwelling would not be good enough for the family. The men would all be in suits that would cost the same amount as 6 months worth of my salary, they would wear sexy, expensive aftershave that was not over powering and they would walk around with authority and supremacy. They would not mingle with the workers beneath them as they would have assistants to do that for them.

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