Bombay Mixx - Chapter One - Part Ten

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Chapter One – New Pastures?

(Part Ten)

There was the usual small talk in the glass lift then a flourish of busy talk, facts and figures and fast walking which filled the lift as the doors opened onto the accounts floor.

‘Welcome to the accounts department. This is where you will work and Daniel will give you a full tour of the building later on this afternoon as you will communicate closely with the shares department, Research and possibly Human Resources,’ Ann proudly announced.

I could see it was going to be an eventful day already so I settled into the meet and greet of my new colleagues, got acquainted to my neat but modest wooden Ikea looking desk, which was outside a gargantuan, eminent, glass office and proceeded to the buildings restaurant to make the first of the days moaning calls to Anya. ‘I seriously don’t think I can do this,’ I whined as soon as she answered the phone. ‘Daaarling, you need to give it a chance. You have only been there for a few hours!’ she said in a tired voice. ‘My boss is a tyrant and everyone in the office looks like they want to kill themselves at any second. I can’t work in this place. I’m going to tell them it’s not for me at the end of the day!’

For a second I thought she got tired of my moaning and hung up on me, as she’s done that before, which is funny afterwards but not at the time when you’re talking to yourself for about 10 minutes, in public, before you realise and have to make up a fake end to the conversation so people don’t think your weird!      

‘Honey, give it a week and I bet it’ll get better and if not then I could always refer some of my clients to you but I would start you with Hassan, better to start small first!’ Anya purred as we both burst out laughing at the thought of me trying to do her job.

As I looked at my watch I realised it was time to go back and do the courteous nods and polite laughs at the office humour and settle into the boredom of people telling me about how to do the job to my best ability.

I got into the lift and as soon as I reached the accounts floor, Ann was waiting for me with a determined look on her face. ‘Oh god, she’s about to eat me alive!’ I thought as I smiled and approached her. ‘Good, you’re back on time. I like punctuality. You will fit in well here if you continue with this. Ok, follow me; it’s now time to meet Mr. Maguire.’

My ears slightly perked up but judging by the men I have already seen in the office they went back down. We approached the giant glass office in front of my desk and I was told to wait outside whilst she made sure it was acceptable to enter. ‘Oh my gosh! Was he some kind of king who needed everyone to be announced this way,’ I thought to myself as she popped her head back out and gave the green light to enter.

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