Surprising Spectacles

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It was one of those days at work, busy, rushing around doing ten jobs at once, I was in danger of meeting myself coming back. The calender had been turning quicker than I had realized. The Christmas stock was on the shelves, which bought about mixed feelings.

I had always loved Christmas as a child but that was now tainted with Matt and his drinking, the rows and general misery. I didn't want that for Riley and Ellie, I needed to make this the Christmas they deserved, I had told Ben how I felt about it making him determined to make it something special for us all and for the first time in so many years I had a feeling it could be.

I'm working through the Christmas merchandise with Eileen, I loved working with her. "So you, hows it going with Ben" she asks and I smile at her with the biggest smile I could produce "I'll take that as pretty good" she grins

"Yeah its going really well" I say to her

"He seems like a lovely fella" she says

"Yeah he is I didn't think Men like him existed the only other man I've ever trusted was my Dad" I say as we are rudely interrupted

"And Me" Mike says coming from no where he does that

"And You" I say to him

"So what's the gossip" he asks

"We were just talking about boyfriends" Eileen says winking

"Ah yes Ben her dishy college lecturer" he says

"Hey hands off you" Eileen says again "If your Jack heard you" she jokes as we all laugh

"Eileen my darling" he says wrapping his arm around her "Even if I was single I'd have no chance as he clearly only has eyes for one girl" he says as they both look at me making me go all bashful

"Sod off" I say to them

"Am I the only one doing any work around here today" Dominic says coming up the aisle

"Keep your knickers on Dom" Mike says to him

"So you got a lunch date today Lis" he asks me

"I have" I say with yet another cheesy grin

"Hey have you and your sexy teacher you know" he says making some strange kind of nodding notion at me while pulling a stupid face

"You know what" I ask

"Well you know" he says and I suddenly twig and close off Eileen notices

"Leave her alone you two, you nosey pair of buggers " she says

"Alright Ei watch your blood pressure" Dom jokes

"Lisa and I were busy sorting this lot out before you two butted in now go on clear off" she says just as an old lady comes round the corner heading straight for us

"Excuse me" she shouts clearly hard of hearing "Where's your haemorrhoid cream" as we all try not to laugh Ei turns round

"This young man will help you my darling he's an expert" she says pushing Dom towards her

"Oh thank you young man" the old lady says grabbing his arm pulling him away with Mike following pulling faces as he does.

"Well that got rid of them" she says as I try and busy myself

"Is everything alright Lis" she asks me

"Yes of course why" I say

"its just the way you clammed up just now, you always love the cheeky banter with the boys" I feel those barriers come up slightly but for gods sake I can't let them rule me.

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