Letters, Lies and Lovely labels

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"Sweetheart keep your eyes closed" he tells me as he guides me towards the nursery wanting to show it me in all its glory "your peeking" he says 

"I'm not" I tell him 

"ill put the blindfold on you" he says with that cheeky boy voice 

"Yeah you like that don't you baby" 

He says nothing apart from a "Mmmmm" making me go all gooey 

"Come on Ben" I tell him "Woman you have no patience" he says 

"Are you ready?" he asks 

"Yes" I feel his soft breath against my cheek as he leans down to me 

"Open your eyes" he whispers in my ear and as I do the sunlight from the skylight hits my face, its perfect, just perfect and it makes me weep "Hey what's wrong sweetheart, don't you like it" he says to me really thinking I don't, I turn to him 

"I love it" I say looking into his eyes "I love it and I love you" I tell him and he smiles 

"You silly girl" he goes to me pulling me into him. "I love you my darling".

Tonight is our date night that Ben had planned I have no idea where we are going he won't tell me, the only thing I know is that I have to be ready by seven with more instructions apparently to follow, what is he up to. 

"Postman Pat" Riley shouts he is starting to feel a little better his arm is still painful, at night he tends to feel it so has spent a few nights in with Mummy and Daddy and then of course Ellie not wanting to be left out has come in too so its been rather full, but neither Ben or me have complained. 

"Pass them for Daddy Riley" Ben asks him as he wanders after him to the kitchen, leaving me to rest of the sofa as I have been told to by the boss as you can imagine him doing.

Ben's point of View

"What have we got today then matey" I say to Riley as he hands me the post. I look through the letters "Hmm bills" I say 

"What's a bill Daddy" he asks 

"A bill is something you have to pay money for like our phone or the program's we watch on the TV" I tell him 

"We pay to watch tele, what even Thomas" he asks 

"Even Thomas matey" as he taps his hand on his head tutting like a little old man 

"Oh my goodness" he says, he's such a little monkey. I come across the last letter its addressed to Lisa but I see a post mark on it H M PRISON no he wouldn't would he, I cant let her see this it will upset her I will not see her go through all that again. I open it quietly not wanting her to know. It is from him even his writing gives me chills its rough and messy.


I need to see you, only you can stop this shit, if you don't I will get to you somehow, and if you tell that sap of a husband of yours I will kill him, take everything from you that you have from me 


How the hell was he allowed to send this for Christ sake, letters are supposed to be checked and how did he get our address, Fucking bastard he's obviously got friends, this is worse than it could be. No way is my girl going anywhere near him, I'll make sure of that. 

Dad comes into the kitchen "Ben are you OK you're as white as a sheet" I show him the letter motioning for him not to let Lisa hear. "The son of a bitch how did he manage to get this through" he asks 

"He clearly knows the right people" I tell him 

"You have to tell the police" Dad says 

"NO" I say trying not to be too loud 

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