Let Me Heal Your Broken Heart

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I open my eyes the irritating tune of my alarm clock reminding me what time it is. I stretch across to my bedside table to grab my phone to switch it off. I sink back into my pillows and open my phone. I have a message, someone is up early 

Good Morning Sweetheart, I wanted to send you this message so it would be the first thing you saw when you woke up xx

He calls me sweetheart, or baby, or darling, I feel I should give him a pet name is that what they call them, He never had one, I had plenty of things I could have called him but none were of a loving nature. Things had moved on from last night, this was different.

Good Morning Sweetie, you are up early this morning, your message has made me smile x

there I've done it. Sweetie, does that work? 

I've got to get this rabble of mine up for breakfast, I'm glad I've made you smile........and that I'm your sweetie xx

Ha, he approves then and I smile at the message biting my lip as I do. 

"Mummy, Mummy" a little voice is calling as my bedroom door opens, that little face grinning at me from behind it. 

I've got to see to my rabble too Ben, have a great day sweetie xx

You too baby, say hi to the kids, Speak to you later xx 

I walk in to work heading out to the back to the staff room "BABE" Dom shouts once he sees me making me laugh 

"Morning" I say

"Someone looks happy this morning" he teases  

"I don't know what you mean" I answer, Dom is grinning from ear to ear. 

"I need to do some work " I tell him while I put my lanyard on. I check my phone one last time before I go to the shopfloor 

It's very beautiful here sweetheart one day I'm going to bring you here I want to take you to so many places do so many things with you xx

he's sent me a load of pictures, it is stunning. His last picture is a selfie he's taken. I smile down at it 

"Hello what's this then" it's Eileen and she's looking over my shoulder 

"Nothing" but I'm unable to hide my elation. Eileen looks down at his picture again 

"Hmm nice smile" she says, whats with everyone's grinning. I look at her and just smile putting my phone back in my bag. I'm put to work on the fragrance counter this morning, it's quiet not many people about. I tidy the testers. I pick up the bottle for the men's Armani feeling the cold of the glass bottle in my hand. I turn to see if anyone is looking before bringing it up to my face close enough that I can breathe it in. It's his smell a simple fragrance, fresh and yet it brings about an ache deep inside me. I'd felt it that day in the park when he pushed me on the swing, being that close to him, feeling his breath on my face. I had these images in my head, kissing him, being in his arms, lying naked with him. The feelings excited me but brought about that fear of showing him everything. All I was.  

He text me on my lunch while I was wandering around the shopping centre, I didn't stay in the store, too many curious folk. I had my IPod playing.

What are you up to my darling I want to picture where you are and what you are doing xx

I'm walking around the shopping centre eating a sandwich, exciting!! listening to music xx

I reply

What are you listening to Lis? and what's in your sandwich?? xx

I'm amazed how interested he is how much attention he gives me and laugh when I read this.

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