A Sprinkled Chocolate Heart

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My work was clumsy, I'm clock watching, waiting for him to come back. This feeling, tjose butterflies I suppose you'd call them I had never felt before, certainly not with him, he produced no sweet feeling within me, there was only one other who maybe could have but he had been off limits, dangerous, too close for comfort, full of hidden agendas too, but Ben.......

True to his word at three minutes to one while I was serving a customer on the make up aisle he came and stood at the main door waiting for me to come out, he waves at me and I give him a shy little wave back trying to not make it too obvious but my customer notices "Someone looks pleased to see you love" she says to me and I blush again like a fool and she laughs "As pleased as you are to see him I think" I just smile as I'm unable to do no more. I spot that he is carrying a little gift bag or so it appeared to be. pricking my curiosity. What on earth was in there??.

I head up to the staff room to get my things and Eileen is preparing to come  down after her lunch break. "You off darling" she asks

"Yeah" I say looking at myself in the mirror giving my hair a brush and putting on some fresh lip gloss. "He's uh, he's waiting downstairs" I say nervously

"Well best not keep him then" she says putting her hands on my arms looking all soft at me through the mirror. "You look lovely" she tells me and I let out a deep sigh "Come on" she whispers.

We get downstairs and I look at Eileen "God I'm shaking" I say suddenly a bag of nerves

"Darling relax like he said it's just a coffee" she says

"I can't " I tell her

"It's just nerves lovely, look at him he's feeling them too the poor darling" she says as I look at him fidgeting at the door way. "Have a lovely time" she says as I stroll out through the door  and watch Ben walk towards me a smile filling his face.

"Hello you" he says

"Hello you" I reply

"How's your morning been?" he asks

"Slow" I tell him laughing softly, no point in lying. although I would lie about how many change of hearts I've had

"Have you been missing me" he says with a cheeky smile, forward aren't you sunshine and I go so very very red

"Maybe I have" I tell him and he smiles.

"I've bought this for you Lisa I hope you don't mind" he said handing me the gift bag.

"For me" I say trying to sound surprised inside was a little black box, I open it to find a silver and gold sunflower necklace.

"A Sunflower you can keep" he tells me, a little something pulled inside my chest no one had ever put so much thought into something for me before.

"Oh Ben it's beautiful thank you" I tell him

"I'm glad you like it" he says

"I'm glad you're glad" I tell him we are staring at each other again.

"Well we best head off" Ben says breaking the silence "Or your lunch hour will have passed" He puts his arm out for me to hold onto, it felt surprisingly natural. He was a complete gentleman a rarity at least from my experience.

We arrive at the coffee shop that Ben had mentioned and for a lunchtime it was fairly quiet. The interior was quaint, retro, shabby chic that kind of vibe to it, I liked it. Ben picks a table tucked away in the corner. He pulls out my chair for me to sit down

"Can I take your coat" he gestures and I thank him .I tremble as his hands touched my shoulders to remove my jacket, he must feel it "Are you ok" he asks, I nod giving him a smile

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