His scented handkerchief

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It had been a quiet morning which I was glad of considering it was my first day, but it gave me time to contemplate my journey here, the events of which were the last thing I'd been expecting....................

I drop the children off at nursery they were both crying when I left them causing me to cry the whole length of my walk to the tube. It was heaving, I was hoping the bustle would disguise the current state I was in. Please god don't anyone ask me if I'm ok. I make it to the platform to stand and wait for the next tube trying not to make eye contact anyone. The train approaches, I just want to get on. It pulls up and I push myself forward, the mass of people was almost claustrophobic. But as I do I run full pelt into an unsuspecting man.

"Oh god I'm so sorry" he says with a gentle voice, why is he apologising? I glance up in the direction of the voice, but my eyes are full of tears and he's a blur.

"No it was me.......I......I'm sorry"  I go to reply but as I do I'm dragged away by the crowd and he's gone.

Suddenly I felt a hand grab mine which startles me, but that gentle voice calls "Wait please, wait are you alright" I look at his hand around mine but I still can't see him in the crush. He has a gold signet ring on his little finger, his grip on me is as gentle as his voice and he doesn't let go. I'm unsteady on my feet and try to turn around but I'm being pulled away and suddenly his hand is gone. Now my only option is to get on the train. But where is he?.

I edge forward into the carriage to grab a seat, my chest is practically in a spasm from crying . I stare at the floor for fear of looking into a passing eye. I smell a hint of Armani aftershave but my gaze remains fixed. I want to render myself invisible to them all.

The ten minute journey feels like forever when the automated voice warns me my stop is near. I get up to wait by the door as my attention is drawn to someone walking towards me, it was him, the man that I ran into, he comes running to me

"Excuse me Miss" he calls handing me a pale blue and navy checked handkerchief which he's taken out of the inside of his tweed jacket.

"You look like you need it" he says as I up look at him, his face was kind and he had the most gentle eyes I had ever seen, the way he looked at me gave goose bumps all over,

"Thank you" I say taking the handkerchief from him wiping away the tears.

"What lovely eyes" he says taking my breath away

"MIND THE GAP PLEASE" as the automated voice calls out to signal my stop startling me

"I have to go" I tell him

"Where" he asks

"To work" I answer as I go to jump off. He's still looking at me and I'm transfixed, I pull my arm away realising he has his hand on it and jump onto the platform as the door starts to close.

"Where do you work" he calls and I try and shout back at him

"Superdrug" I say but suddenly it's loud and I'm drowned out by commuters.

"Where" he calls but the door has shut, what do I do. My lanyard, the company name is on it. I scramble to get it out of my jacket to wave at him. He squints trying to make it out, He's shouting to me but I can't hear him.

Then he smiles as the train pulls away.........oh my lord what a smile.

I'm left standing amongst a rush of people. I hold his handkerchief to my face breathing it in, Armani aftershave, it was him that I could smell, his scent made me feel weak.

What the hell just happened?

Later that Morning

I put a poster up in the window after my briefing from my new manager Mike, all of the team had been very welcoming. taking me under their wing. After checking to see if I'd put it up straight and preferably the right way round I walk around looking for any customers that may need my help. I spot a man looking and wandering among the ladies facial creams, I couldn't see his face as his back was turned to me but he seemed familiar so I approach him "Are you OK there my love, can I help?" I ask. He turns to me and we both stop and look at each other like we were pinned there. It was him the man with the handkerchief I was sure, Oh my god he came looking for me, did he??

"Hello again" he says 

"Hi" I say letting out a huge breath as I do.

"Yes I hope you can" he says smiling that smile of his "I've been sent on a mission by my Gran, she's after this new serum and I said in my ignorance that I'd collect it but have no idea where to find it, you have it advertised in your window" oh so he hasn't come looking for me, is that my heart sinking?  He had the name of it written on a bright pink post it note that was stuck to the back of his hand, he hands it to me and I can't help but look at his writing, wow it's neat

 "Well you're in the right place " I tell him "You deserve brownie points for that" He laughs 

"Thank you" he says his face almost boyish, I can't stop looking at him.

I pick up the box of cream from the shelf and hand it to him watching him rub his fingers across the plastic wrapper, he catches me looking. 

"Um if you just pop over to the tills someone will be able to serve you" I mumble in some sort of fashion.  

"Oh I was rather hoping you would serve me" he says cheekily. 

"Sorry I'm not on till duty this morning" although I suddenly wished I was, I can feel myself blushing from ear to ear and again he's noticed and is trying not to grin.

He walks over to the tills, my gaze still fixed on him. I try to walk away to busy myself but I can't stop myself from looking back hoping he doesn't catch me. I try and tidy up the shelves as I should be doing but my hands are clumsy and my heart is beating faster than it should, but not causing the panic that I'm used to.  I walk into the next aisle and suddenly he's there 

"I just wanted to say thanks for the help............. Lisa" he says as he dipped his head to take a look at my name badge.

"You're very welcome and thank you for this morning" I say but he looks a little confused "the hanky" I reply.

"Oh yes, are you feeling better now" he asks

"Yes I am thank you, sorry you had to see that" I tell him and he gives me a gentle look that could make the tears come back if he did it for long enough 

"Don't be silly" he says softly "I couldn't leave you like that" 

"No" I say my voice almost a whisper 

"No" he answers mirroring my hushed tone, our eyes locked together yet again. "Maybe I will see you again" he says 

"Maybe you will" I utter,  it was as though my brain and my mouth were struggling to connect. 

"Goodbye Lisa" he says walking out of the store backwards not taking his eyes off me, almost falling over the rubbish bin that was just outside, which made me laugh out loud and caused him to do the same. I'm still giggling to myself as he disappears from my sight, but wait I didn't even say goodbye, I don't even know his name. Who was this man?

What just happened here?????

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