Parting shots

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Ben's Point of view

"Top of the morning to you Benny Boy" bellows Davey from across the entrance hall

"Morning Davey you're unusually perky this morning" I tell him if that were possible. 

"Ah there is good reason to be chirpy" he says with a wicked look on his face 

"Well are you just going to keep me hanging here" I ask him 

"It would seem our dear friend has been a naughty girl" he says pointing at Vanessa's chair which I hadn't noticed till now is empty. 

"What do you mean been naughty" I ask him wondering what the hell is going on apprehension building within me 

"She's been hauled in by the big wig breach of confidentiality and its not looking good for her" His office door slams and out she walks she's been crying, she spots me and gives me the most evil glare I had ever seen straightening her clothes trotting towards her desk still unable to walk in those stupid shoes she insists on wearing.

She heads towards me ready to pounce I can feel it until the Principal comes out of his office "Ah Ben good morning, how are things?" he asks 

"Good thank you, everything is coming along nicely with the show" I tell him which pleases him 

"And how are things at home, how is your wife blooming I'm sure" he asks giving a slight glance  towards her adding to her discomfort 

"She's very well thank you for asking, looking forward to our time away next week" I tell him and she was, now five months pregnant with a beautiful bump that's growing everyday, her sickness seems to have faded making her feel more like her old self, she was radiant gaining back the weight she had lost through her sickness making her cheeks appear fuller and plumper her curves even curvier her cute little bum rounder everything I loved about her, fancied about her multiplied making her even more sexy.

I see her giving me the evil glare over the desk as I collect my class lists refusing to acknowledge her "Its France your off to isn't it Ben?" Anthea asks 

"Yes to stay at my Dad's house then we head to Paris to take the children to Disneyland" I announce 

"How lovely I'm sure they will love it" Anthea says 

"Plus it's Ellie's birthday while we are there" I tell them all watching Vanessa squirm with my every mention of my family that she not that many weeks ago tried to strip from me.

"Oh Ellie is your.." the Principal starts 

"My daughter" I say full of pride "She'll be two" 

"And your Son?" he enquires 

"Riley is four, he's just recently started school" I watch Davey's face even he is proud when I talk about them all, we had been friends since school, went to University together, it was him who helped me get the job here at the college 

"And now a new one on the way are you excited love" Anthea asks 

"I am Anthea we couldn't be happier, we are moving house too to somewhere bigger for when the baby arrives" I tell them 

"Ah yes tell me more about your side line as Bob the builder Benny" Davey asks as we head off to our classes. 

I hear the principle speak to Vanessa "I trust your desk will cleared by the end of the day Miss Wilkes" causing us both the stop and turn 

"Christ he's only gone and fired her" Davey says. I'm taken a back by this, can this really be happening. Davey is laughing "Good enough for her the scheming little minx, I always said shed come unstuck eventually" Jeremy is walking up the corridor towards us "Jezza the sun is shining on us" he smiles 

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