Listening To Your Heart

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I close the children's door and Ben takes my hand pulling me into his arms looking deep into my eyes, he leans forward kissing me on the tip of my nose "Dinner was lovely sweetheart thank you" he says to me

"You're welcome" I say to him "I'm glad you liked it" he smiles we head to the kitchen where I have some glasses ready for the wine he brought with him. "Would you like to do the honours" I say handing him the cork screw and he removes the cork. I start to pour the wine, Ben leans with his back to the worktop, for some reason I'm really nervous and I think Ben notices. I try to make conversation "Riley really loves you Ben, well and Ellie does" I say to him

"I love them too" he says "And I love you" 

He takes me by surprise and I get clumsy spilling some wine over the glass, "Shit" I say and he comes and takes the bottle from you

"Come here darling" he says taking my hands and pulling me towards him. "Just relax" he says but my heart is racing that fast I fear it will burst out of me. "Says me" he says placing my hand to his chest his heart is a copy of mine going out of control we both look at each other and laugh "Quite a pair ain't we" he says. "Shall we go and sit down" he suggests. I nod pouring the rest of the wine and cleaning up the mess I made. I bring the chocolates with me opening the box and placing them on the coffee table. Ben pulls a DVD out of his bag

"Aw Brief Encounter" I say "One of my favourites" his face beams

"Mine too" he says

I put it on and we both sit on the sofa together at first I'm not sure how I should sit with him. So I curl myself up with my legs underneath me he comes up behind me taking off his trainers and doing the same he puts his chin on my shoulder "How about a cuddle" he says softly into my ear

"You mean a cwtch" I tell him, he turns to me

"A what?" he asks looking confused 

"A cwtch" I say as he tries to mouth it so cute "Its welsh for cuddle, but its much better than a cuddle only the welsh know how to cwtch" I say teasing him

"Well, You'd better show me how to..........cwtch then" I laugh at him and we cwtch into each other with him encouraging me to lean against him more as he wraps his arms around my middle. "You're right that's much better than an old cuddle, Are you comfy sweetheart?" he asks me oh he has no idea. I turn to him and nod giving him a small smile. I felt safe.

Ben's point of view

I'm in heaven having her so close to me its like a dream,  I could feel her tremble at my touch as if she is afraid, I so desperately want her to trust me, the more I think about it the more I'm convinced that her husband did something this is why she holds back. I want her to feel safe in my arms. She sips her wine and we share her chocolates, she giggles as I tease her with them, going to feed her then pulling them away. I kept having to pinch myself that this is real that I really am here with her. 

The wine has made Lisa a little sleepy. "Would you like to lie down" I ask her stroking her hair afraid as soon as I say it that its too far. She nods so I move lying her back on the sofa and stretching myself out along side her. I lean up over her she smiles at me but she's afraid I can see. I rub my hand down her cheek "Don't be afraid of me darling I wont hurt you I promise" she does believe me and she feels guilty for thinking I would.

"I know babe, I'm sorry" so I was right

"I just want you to feel safe with me Lis that's all" she looks at me and puts her hand in my hair

"I do Ben, don't think I'm pushing you away" she takes her hand to my face running her thumb across my cheek bone, I turn to kiss the palm of her hand 

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