Dates and Duets

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"Look Mummy look what Grampa bought for me" shouts Riley running into the house his boots covered in snow, he's carrying a knights helmet, shield and sword. I run to him taking his boots off. 

"Wow aren't you a lucky boy" I tell him, as if he hasn't had enough from William already. 

"Look Daddy look" Ben bends down to him putting a voice on 

"Sir Riley the great" he says bowing at him 

"Silly Daddy" says Riley laughing.

"Hello, hello" shouts Evelyn heading in with William and Ellie 

"Hows my little Princess?" asks Ben as Ellie puts her hands out for him having been happy in Williams arms until she caught sight of her Daddy. 

"Have you had a good time?" I ask them 

"It's been great" says William "They've been as good as gold love them" I'm glad they did, it warmed me to see how much the children loved their new Gran and Grampa they had taken them into their little lives as they had Ben and as I knew they would their new brother or sister.

I prepare some tea, insisting as Evelyn and William had taken the children for the afternoon. Ben gives me a hand as everyone heads for the living room. I'm stirring the tea when Ben comes up behind me kissing me on the back of my neck, breathing me in, what this man does to me is beyond words 

"I love you" he whispers in my ear I rub myself against him as if what we had shared just an hour ago wasn't enough I still needed him, my hormones were raging I felt different sexy, wild, naughty, things I hadn't felt before. Sharing this with the man I loved invigorated me, his love and adoration made me feel beautiful the passion and the pleasure he dedicated to me blew my mind. Things I'd been afraid to feel, ashamed to feel were suddenly glorious because he made them that way. The very thought of his child, our child growing inside me was enough to bring my dear friends the butterflies out to play.To share intimately the experience of my pregnancy and awaiting the birth of our baby was a wonder of its own. Something I had been denied by Matt. My ultimate gift to Ben for only him no matter what it took.

We head to the living room with the tea, Ben had raided the cake tin for Evelyn's mince pies and Christmas cake. much to Riley and Ellie's delight. 

"How are you two then, have you had a nice afternoon?" Evelyn asks as we sit together on the sheepskin rug for the second time that afternoon, I swear I blush violently when I think of what we did right here on this spot while they were gone, the things we had said to each other the passion between us, my colour deepens further when I think of how I screamed out from what Ben had given me devoting his attention to just pleasure me.

"We just had a relaxing afternoon watching old movies didn't we Sweetheart?" Ben answers. Evelyn doesn't believe a word he says but seems happy in the knowledge that we had our time together. 

"So Ben what are we going to do for your birthday its just a few days away" asks William 

"I'm just happy to spend it here Dad with my family" bless him 

"But it's New Years Eve Son, you and Lisa should go out for the evening we will babysit" he suggests 

"We will pay for you to go out for a meal and then you and Lisa can see the New year in together, go into York it'll be lovely" Evelyn says.

"What do you think Sweetheart?" Ben asks me 

"If you'd like to Sweetie then I'm up for it, I can spoil you for a change" 

William laughs "That's the spirit lass" he turns to Ben 

"How can you refuse a date with this Princess Benny?" he teases him. 

"I can't since you put it like that" he says smiling at me and clutching my hand.

"Right well that's sorted can I have my tea now?" jokes Evelyn. I wanted to make Ben's birthday special as a thank you for all he's given me these last few months and as a sign of all he has to come.

That night we lie in bed with just the bed side lamp on. My comfort blanket is wrapped around me, My Ben. He makes me so happy it's like a dream that I never want to wake up from. I turn to him as we lie there "Sweetie are you happy?" I ask him eager to know that I have done everything to make this as wonderful for him as it is for me. He's spent all his time looking after me I feel I've neglected him. 

"I'm the happiest I've ever been Lis, you were the missing piece of my puzzle, once I found you everything just fell into place" I lean up and kiss him giggling into his lips and he does back like a couple of teenagers we are. 

"I never want it to stop feeling like this" I tell him 

"It won't" he says trying to reassure me "We are going to have a great time together, I want to take you to the places you want to go and show you the things you want to see" he tells me 

"What about me, what do you want from me?" I ask 

"Just love me like you do, that's all I ask, let me worry about the rest" he answers "I want you to let me take care of you sweetheart take care of you all" he rubs my tummy again 

"But you ask so little of me Ben I fear its not enough sometimes" he laughs at me. 

"You have given me your life My darling, your children, your willing to carry my baby, these are the most precious gifts I could take from you" I just smile at him. He turns his sweet smile to a cheeky one "But there is one thing you can give me if you like" he says 

"Yes" I ask 

"Scream for me again like you did this afternoon" we both laugh out loud 

"I can't do that with a house full now can I?" I tell him "You'd have to drown me out somehow" he grins running his hand down to my button as he now affectionately called it, he comes close 

"Trust me Sweetheart, no one will hear you only me" as he lays me down and we perform our duet once again.......and again.

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