A Happy birthday Indeed

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"Right you two we need some eggs to make Daddy's birthday cake so lets go and see what the chickens have laid for us this morning" says Evelyn heading to the chicken House with Riley and Ellie in toe. It was the day before Ben's birthday and the children wanted to make him a cake. Ben and William had headed into the village I told him they should have some Father and Son time as they don't see each other as often as they would like. Plus it was a chance to get all of Ben's presents and surprises ready for the morning. I was looking forward to our night out what a great way to see the new year in. It had been such a lovely week with Ben's family, I didn't really want it to end. I was due back in work on the fourth of January so we still had some time yet.

The cake making got under way with Riley and Ellie frankly having more of the mixture on them than in the mixing bowl "Its part of the creative process lovey" Evelyn said to me making me laugh that's one way of looking at it I think. 

"Can we make a card for Daddy too mummy" Riley asks 

"Yes darling when the cake is baking in the oven we will make one" she says

"So are you looking forward to tomorrow night cherub?" Evelyn asks me 

"I am really, but I feel guilty that we are not all doing something together" she shakes her head at me 

"Oh don't worry about us lovey" she says "Besides I'd be no good going out it only takes one sherry these days and I'll be rolling" we both laugh out loud together "You and Ben have fun, because soon that baby will be here keeping you both busy" that's true and I think about it feeling a little worried thinking back to when I had Ellie, I had an awful time having her and I explained this to Evelyn. 

"Things were different then lovey Ben will be there to hold your hand this time" she says putting her arm around me giving me a gentle squeeze "Ben told us about how things were with your mum" another thing we had in common "But you've got us now and you'll need someone to look after my two little angels when you're having the baby so I'll come and stay if you like" I was kind of hoping she'd say that as I'd feel so much safer knowing Riley and Ellie were with someone they knew when the time came there was my Dad but he worked every hour God sent mainly to pay back the debt my mother had left him in from her drinking. If the children were safe I could concentrate on the job in hand and with Ben by my side I could do this. 

"That would mean the world to me Evelyn" I said she smiled at me 

"And how about you call me Gran too" bless her heart 

"OK Gran" I say back. "We'll have our William over to it won't hurt him to change a few nappies" we both laugh again "Don't you worry about a thing lovey we'll look after you both" this was more of a comfort than they could know. She's giving me a smile that makes me think she knows something what's going on? "Right lets get the rest of Daddy's surprises ready" says Gran to the children...........their Gran, Ben's Gran, My Gran.

Ben's point of view

We'd left the girls to something or other they wouldn't really say although I was pretty sure it was to do with tomorrow. Lisa had instructed me to have Father and Son time with Dad. We walked into the village the walk taking twice as long as it would normally due to bumping into people we knew that I hadn't seen in ages. Dad insisted on buying us a drink by way of a pre celebration after I'd told him of my plan to propose to Lisa. I agreed to a pint. It was playing on my mind that I should speak to Lisa's Dad about my intentions being the old fashioned sentimental fool that I was.

"Have you got a number for him?" Dad asks bringing our drinks to the table. 

"Yeah" I answer 

"So phone him" he tells me 

"And say what?" I ask him 

"Did he enjoy your breakfast this morning" he mocks, I remain unamused getting more nervous by the minute "That your in love with his daughter and you want to marry her, that's what you tell him" oh I cant do this, I feel my palms get clammy and rub them against my jeans I swear I've gone pale. Dad takes my phone off me and somehow finds his number. "Come on Ben what you waiting for lad" he says 

"I'll do it in a minute" I tell him. 

"Too late it's ringing" he says I grab the phone off him he's put in onto speaker so he can hear the sod. 

"Dad" I shout "Hi Ginge it's Ben" as Geraint picks up at the other end

"Hey Ben how's it going mate, you having a good time, is everything OK, Lisa's OK?" he asks sounding worried 

"No, everything is fine, Lisa's fine she's tired and having some morning sickness but no she's fine." 

"What can I do for you then Buddy?" he asks me I'm trembling it's mad it's only a few words. 

"The thing is" I start sounding shaky 

"Yes" he says 

"The thing is I'd like to ask your permission to marry your daughter........please........if that's...........OK" I hear him laugh at the end of the phone, Dad laughing too.

"Ben I'm surprised it's taken you this long Buddy" he says "You don't need my permission, but as you've asked, Yes of course you can marry her, I take it you haven't asked her yet" I relax a bit 

"No I'm going to ask her tomorrow" I tell him 

"Brilliant I know full well what her answer will be" He tells me 

"I hope I do too" I say nervously 

"I know my little girl Ben, she loves you has done since the day you asked her out" Dad starts laughing Geraint hears him "Is that your Dad?" he asks 

"Hello there Geraint this is William" 

"Well good to hear you William what is this boy of yours like" he jokes 

"You should see him lad he's as white as a sheet" they are both laughing 

"Alright, alright don't take the piss" I tell them.

Dad and Geraint chat a little more getting to know each other, they get on like a house on fire, Lisa will love this I know. "Good Luck Ben, you'll be fine" He tells me "and Happy Birthday for tomorrow" he says I hang up and Dad pulls me in for a hug 

"A happy birthday indeed it'll be" he says to me I hope so I really do.

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