This is how it should be

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"A spot of lunch and some girly shopping cherub you me and Ellie how does that sound" Gran asks 

"Yeah sounds lovely" I turn to look at Ben "Is that OK sweetie?" I ask him he smiles 

"Of course it is darling as he gets out his wallet handing me some money "Don't come back until you've spent it OK" I look at him 

"I'm not spending all this Ben" I tell him abruptly 

"Well you can't come home then" he says cheekily I just smile 

"We will spend it lovey don't you worry" Gran says. 

"What about me" Riley says with a pout on 

"You my boy are going to be my first matey on board the Jolly Roger for a trip on the high seas" Dad says to him putting his best pirate voice in 

"Are going to find treasure"he asks 

"We sure are matey" Ben says playing along 

"If you'll excuse us my fair beauties us pirates are off" Dad says again 

"Aye Aye captain" Riley and Ben shout as they march off together.

"Come on then lovey let's head off" Gran says as we head off she's been here before so knows the best places to go there are some beautiful boutiques with gorgeous clothes and accessories everything a girl could want although if I come back with another handbag Ben might just go spare. "lunch first I think"Gran says finding a little restaurant with a lovely view of the beach. We sit down and the waiter comes to take our order both of us using our school girl French making the waiter laugh 

"Your French is very good" he says 

"Oh why thank young man" Gran says putting in her best flirt "ooh I wouldn't kick him out of bed" she says 

"Gran you little minx you" I tell her "he is rather hot though" I say "only my Ben is the biggest cutie in the world" I say Gran smiles 

"You do love that boy so very much don't you lovey" I nod my head "It's lovely to see it really is, it makes me so happy" Gran spots something over my shoulder and gives a suspicious look 

"What's the matter Gran" I ask 

"There was a man staring at us over there" I turn to look 

"Where" and she points but there's no one there 

"He's gone now" she says 

"I must nip to the toilette as they say" I tell her "this baby presses more on my bladder every day 

"oh sounds like it's Grampa then" she says.

Gran's point of view

"Well Ellie the elephant lets gets you cleaned up then Gran is going to buy you some presents would you like that" I ask her 

"Yeah Gran" she says smiling at me my little angel. "Bill please" I ask our dishy waiter and then as quick as a flash another waiter returns with it 

"Your bill Madame" he says with an English accent he places it on the table "Hello pretty girl" he says to Ellie causing her to go shy "Is your name Ellie?" he asks how does he know her name I ask him "I over heard you with your friend" he says 

"Oh no she's my granddaughter in law and this is my granddaughter" he looks at her again 

"Haven't you got lovely curly hair, you look like your mummy" I see Lisa coming back and the waiter walks away 

"Are we ready Gran do you need the little girls room" she asks 

"No lovey I'm fine" I tell her I place the money on the plate but the waiter has disappeared where did he go 

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