Aunties and Afternoons

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The Children by now were frozen and were quite happy to come in and sit in front of the fire watching one of the DVD's that William had given them. I was feeling much better, but wasn't being too optimistic knowing that the morning sickness could pop up again at any time, I was grateful however for the rest bite. Ben had stopped worrying a little not much just a little with the consolation that I wasn't feeling so awful. His attention and care was unlike anything I had ever received from anyone, he doted on me and as selfish as it sounded I never wanted him to stop, I had been determined to be an independent woman when I moved to London but Ben had blown all that out of the water. I adored being adored, by him.

William had suggested we head into the village for lunch as I hadn't really left the house in the few days we'd been here. I felt up to it now and in all fairness I was starving my appetite had hit with a vengeance. I'd told Ben this but was worried about getting fat to which he'd replied "Sweetheart you are having a baby it's allowed" and that apparently he would think I was gorgeous chubby or not to which I wasn't entirely convinced. We went in Ben's Land rover into the village although it was only a ten minute walk as I wasn't safe to walk on the snow as you can imagine, silly boy I loved him.

We came to the local that was busy but spacious there were a lot of people there that Ben knew including his Auntie May, Evelyn's sister who had agreed to meet us there, she lived in the village and wanted to meet me and the children. She was just like Evelyn to look at but filled a room with her personality alone she was an absolute hoot.

"Benjamin My Poppet come and give your Auntie May a kiss" She shouted when we walked in......Poppet! 

"How are you Auntie May?" he asked 

"All the better for seeing you lad you get more gorgeous every time I see you" Ben starts to blush, he is clearly as precious to his Auntie as he is to his Gran. 

"Auntie May this is My Lisa" she walks over to me letting out a big gasp which worries me slightly 

"Well aren't you the most adorable creature ever" how does one respond to that I manage a very giggly 

"Thank you" she looks at Riley and Ellie 

"And you two are just scrumptious" she says pinching their cheeks, they are a little taken back by her until she pulls sweets out of her handbag for them and they are suddenly her best friends.

Ben's point of view

It was a lovely lunch and lovely to see Lisa eating and enjoying her food again she has this stupid notion that she will get fat if she gives in to her ever growing appetite and that I won't fancy her anymore silly girl. I look at her from across the table she's looking away from me so I sit and take her in she is absolutely gorgeous, she's wearing a black jumper dress that clings to her perfect curves underneath she's wearing charcoal coloured tights with little black bobbles on them they are so cute and the boots I bought her for Christmas. To me she's perfection and the more I look at her the more I want to take her home and do all the things that she loves me to do to her.

I head up to the bar to Dad who's getting a round in. "You OK Son?" he says to me "You look flushed" well If I didn't before I do now 

"I'm fine Dad it's just warm by the fire that's all". He turns to look at the others at the table 

"Lisa looks much better lad, radiant you might say" I breath a deep sigh 

"That she does Dad" he puts his arm around me 

"She's a beautiful lass Ben" tapping me on the back "I couldn't be happier for you both" Bless my Dad he had given up everything for me to bring me up after my mother left he meant the world to me. "I love you Son" he says I'm nearly welling up 

"I love you too Dad" I see Gran heading over to us with that where's my drink face, I'm waiting for the are you brewing it yourself line. 

"Alright Mother we are coming" laughs Dad, he heads back to the table. Gran stops me 

"I was thinking me and your Dad could take the children into York this afternoon to the castle museum so you and Lisa could uh have a rest" I smile at her 

"Meaning Gran?" she leans towards my ear 

"Well after the way you were puffing and panting on the stairs this morning I think you need some you time" I look shocked at her 

"I was young once you know lad" she winks at me and takes her drink. I'm speechless but the idea is brilliant.

We head back to the table and tell the children who are delighted "Can Auntie May come too Gran?" Riley asks her. When she says Yes he jumps up and down and so does Auntie May actually.

"Oh what fun" she screeches making Ellie laugh.  

Lisa looks at me with a twinkle in her eye. "A little time to ourselves Sweetheart" I say to her and she lets out a deep sigh as I move myself closer to her on the bench we are both sat on I start tingling and can feel that she is too. I gently rub my hand underneath the hem of her dress "I want to take you home" I whisper in her ear and she smiles "And what will you do when we get there sweetie" she asks ever so cautiously "I'm going to make love to you my darling because I'm hungry for you" I tell her and she bites her lip a little and gives me a gentle nod.

I need to be alone with her, we need to be together. Dad takes my car and Lisa and I walk back to the house, It's still cold so I hold her close to me ready to catch her should she slip.

We need to be alone we need to be together...............

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