Lets do this together

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"Gran where is he?" I shout out as another pain comes they are all over the place so irregular I don't know where I am. 

"He's coming lovey, I promise you, now just try and stay calm OK" Gran tells me rubbing my back. I hear a noise outside it must be them then the door goes 

"Lissy darling" I hear Ben shout 

"In here lovey" Gran shouts after him. I'm so relieved to see his face 

"Sweetheart, its OK I'm here darling I'm here" he runs over to me grabbing my hand an wrapping his arm around me."Why didn't you tell me Lissy why?" he asks 

"I'm sorry Ben i'm so sorry" I sob he comes round to my front "You're such a silly girl what are you hey?" I smile at him, he tucks my hair behind my ear "What am I going to do with you Lisa Langley" he says making me laugh but its short lived as another pain comes "Another contraction sweetheart?" he asks I nod at him "OK then breathe for me like they taught us yeah" he does it with me to try and get me to copy him.

"Take her upstairs lovey get her comfortable" Gran suggests to Ben 

"Yeah good idea, darling can you manage the stairs" and I tell him yes 

"We'll see to everything down here" she says touching Ben's face. "You're doing fine my little cherub, just fine" she says as Ben and I head upstairs. In between pains I don't feel too bad the gap is a relief but my heart is racing I really need to calm down.Ben opens the door and helps me to the bed 

"OK darling just relax, we'll start timing them yeah" I nod at him and smile 

"This is it isn't it sweetie?" I say to him "Yes my darling it is are you feeling OK?" he's so concerned bless him 

"I'm so nervous Ben" I tell him 

"Don't be darling everything is going to be fine and I'm not leaving you I'm right here OK" he says. His eyes are so loving and caring making it easier as I knew deep down it would do 

"Oww" he takes my hand and starts the stopwatch on his phone "that's it darling just breathe don't fight it" I see Ben looking at his phone 

"OK that was about twenty five seconds Lissy" so we just wait for the next one" he looks up at me from the floor where he's kneeling in front of me 

"how was your mum sweetie?" I ask him 

"don't worry about her darling" he says not wanting to talk about it. 

"Please tell me" I say to him "I thought she might have changed Lis but she hasn't still full of spite and she was horrible about you and I would not take it so I left when Dad came it's over" he says his eyes heavy 

"I'm so sorry darling" I say to him really feeling for him he rubs my tummy and smiles

"I've got much more precious things to take care of" he says. another pain comes Ben can feel my stomach tightening against his hand "another one" he says starting his phone "nine minutes darling" he says as the pain subsides. I suggest we ring the hospital and see what we should do. Ben calls them "hi maternity department please" he comes and sits next to me on the bed with his arm round me kissing my head. "hi I'm ringing about my wife Lisa Langley she's thirty nine plus five weeks pregnant and she's is labour" he's remembered it all I hear a voice on the other end but can't make it out "Hi Harry yeah she's having contractions every nine to ten minutes lasting up to half a minute" he's nodding he's got his concentrating face on now, "yeah, OK thank you" he hangs up "sweetheart I spoke to Harry they said we need to go in when they are coming every five minutes and lasting for sixty seconds or more" he says oh god how long will that take "but he says you need to try and rest for now take some paracetamol" I laugh at him 

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