Crazy for You

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Ben's Point to View

"Daddy look it's still snowing" Riley shouts across the landing running towards our bedroom. I run out before he wakes Lisa, I so wanted her to get some rest after feeling so ill these last few days. 

"Is it matey?" I ask him 

"Come and look" he tells me dragging me to the window all wrapped up in his pyjamas dressing gown and slippers. It is snowing too, heavy and has been for a few hours it looks just like a Christmas card "Can we build a snowman Daddy please?" he asks putting his hands together making me laugh 

"Well we need to have some breakfast first matey, it's hard work building a snowman you know" He gives me one of his sulks I cant help but chuckle when he does, he looks just like his Mummy when I tell her to do something she's not keen on.

"It's very cold out there matey, so I think we need some of Gran's porridge with some honey to warm us up and we will be ready to go." he picks up the frown "Why don't we go and ask her?" and off he runs. 

I pick up Ellie who was rolling around in her travel cot talking to herself. "Dada" she shouts when she sees me My little Princess I pop her slippers and dressing gown on as she grabs her dolly.

"Morning Son" says Dad sat at the table in his dressing gown 

"Hello Grampa" says Riley jumping into his lap 

"Good morning little man" Dad says to him scuffing his hair up just like he used to do to me when I was little.  

"It's snowing" Riley tells him 

"No Is it?" Dad says his voice full of surprise pretending he doesn't know. "Gran did you here that our Riley says it's snowing" Gran rushes to the window playing along with the game 

"My goodness where did all that come from" she says Riley starts laughing 

"Silly Gran it came from the sky" he says "Can we have some Porridge to warm us up so we can go and build a snowman?" Gran comes and pats him on the head and gives him a kiss

 "I think we'd better had" heading for the rayburn

"Morning lad" she says to me as I pop Ellie in the high chair Gran had bought especially for her then 

"Here we are my little angels Porridge as perfect as baby bears" she says making Riley smile I sit down and turn to him putting on a deep voice 

"And who's been sitting in MY chair" he giggles as Dad turns round and follows me 

"And who's been sitting in My chair" it turns into quite the pantomime until Gran brings us back in line reminding us that our porridge is going cold ha!

I dress the children and wrap them up in their new snow suits complete with their new Wellington boots some of Dad's many Christmas presents for them. We head outside the cold hits your face as soon you walk out I hope Lisa is warm enough upstairs. The children go crazy when they get outside, loving the snow. Dad is watching Ellie who is a little unsteady but is adamant to walk in it herself, there's her mothers determined streak coming through.

The task of building this snowman gets under way gathering snow with hands, spades and buckets anything going really. patting it shaping it in place throwing a few snowballs at each other in between, I forgot what a good shot Dad was catching me right on the back of the head at one point, a declaration of war I think.  I look up to see Lisa standing at the window she's smiling at me and she blows me a kiss, my sweet girl. 

Riley spots her "Mummy" he shouts and she opens the window 

"Hello darling" she calls "Are you having fun?" 

"Yeah look at our snowman" says Riley pointing to our creation which has to be said is pretty impressive. 

"It's brilliant sweet pea well done" she praises him. I walk towards the window 

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" I ask her she looks brighter 

"I'm feeling much better sweetie" that's good to hear. I tell her to go in so she doesn't get cold. I leave Dad with the children while I go and see her.

I run up the stairs and meet her on the landing her smile as always makes my heart beat that little bit quicker. She looks better her cheeks look fuller and flushed and there's a strange sparkle to her eyes. I take her in my arms, her warm hand pressing on my cold cheek sends an almost electric impulse up into my brain causing me to sigh onto her lips as I kiss her, even her lips are different they are plump and so soft. She's changing, even standing here in her pyjamas she looks more beautiful than ever, being pregnant suits her but it makes me want her with a hunger stronger than I've known before, I want to love her, make love to her, but I'm afraid of hurting her or the baby. "Hey you" I say to her when we break from our lingering kiss 

"Hey yourself" she replies her tone almost seductive she's feeling this too "I've missed you" she says I feel her heart quicken matching mine. I lean in and kiss her again the passion between us is greater than I've ever felt it, we are hungry for each other. She needs me to be many things, Boyfriend, Dad, best friend, father of her child, but to be her lover is what she craves right now as I do from her.

"Hello Cherub you're looking much better" shouts Gran up the stairs bursting our bubble bringing us back down to earth with an almighty thud. 

"I am much better Evelyn, thank you" she says smiling at Gran but I feel her glare at me 

"Benjamin look at your boots trudging snow into my carpets" I feel like she's about to send me to my room Oh please do I think and I can take Lisa with me. Lisa bursts out laughing she's back to her old self, My Lisa the girl I'm crazy for.

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