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"Are you OK sweetheart" Ben asks me rubbing my tummy 

"I'm just so uncomfortable" I say half sobbing the last few days had taken their toll it was now less than two weeks till the baby was due, I was hot and bothered, everything just ached Ben tried his best to get me comfortable but it didn't help. 

"Why don't you go and have a lie down darling rest a while" he says he looks so concerned love him like he should be doing something. He helps me up off the sofa and walks me upstairs propping my back up with pillows taking off my shoes and rubbing my feet, even my ankles are swollen now 

"Oh my god look at me" I say to him 

"You look gorgeous darling" he says lifting my leg and kissing my ankle I give him the look. His loving eyes make me want to sob 

"I just wish the baby would come Ben" and off I go 

"Hey sweetheart come on it's OK" he comes and hugs me 

"Darling you're almost there not long now and I'm so proud of you and I love you so much" as I cry into his shoulder like a baby "I know you're tired my darling and I know how much our little girl takes out of you" he says looking sorry like its his fault 

"Its OK I'm just a bit emotional today sweetie that's all, I'm sorry" I tell him 

"Don't be sorry Lis, I feel so helpless sometimes you are doing all this for me, your been through so much since we found out we were having her" he tells me still holding me close. 

"And id go through it all again if you wanted me to" I tell him to see what he will say 

"Meaning?" he asks curious 

"I know that this little lady isn't even born yet but if say you wanted us to have more in the future then id be more than happy to" he just smiles at me and pulls me close 

"You're amazing you know that" he says. "Darling you're tired why don't you get into bed have an early night" he says to me but I cant 

"But there's things to do" I try and tell him but my eyes are closing without my permission 

"Hush sweetheart just lie back" as he lays me against the pillows 

"But Ben I......." he shushes in my ear which he knows will send me off 

"Sleep my beauty" and that's done it. I feel him kiss my cheek as I drift off

Ben's point of view

I cover her with the duvet making sure she's supported kissing her gently on the cheek as she drifts off, she fought it to the end but she needed rest these last few days had drained her. It made me so angry what he had done to her if only you could get away with murder hey. I check on the kids who are both fast asleep. 

I head down to the kitchen and Gran is there Dad is asleep in the chair after his cocoa ha bless him."Cuppa lovey" she asks 

"Oh yes please Gran" I say 

"Hows she doing lad" she asks 

"She's asleep I made her go to bed, she's struggling Gran" I say finding it hard to deal with I can't do a thing 

"Not much longer now lovey" she says tapping my shoulder 

"I just don't feel like I'm doing anything to help her" I tell her 

"Of course you are you silly boy, I've never seen are more doting father to be I'm sure she's fed up of you sometimes" she says pinching my cheek making me smile. "Lovey she's fine, it just gets uncomfortable towards the end its all normal stop worrying" like I can stop worrying, I worry about her every minute of every day at the moment every little twinge she has I'm jumping out of my skin in case she's going into labour I'm a nervous wreck like Dad said I would be. 

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