Now are you happy Sweetheart?

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Ben's Point of view

It's a cold morning but Lisa wanted some fresh air so we'd taken a walk into the village, the children had gone with Dad and Gran to the supermarket, apparently we'd eaten her out of house and home Gran said and Lisa's requests for strange concoctions were stretching Grans larder. She had been feeling better still sick but not as bad as it had been. It was lovely to see my Lisa coming back she was getting excited about the wedding, so was I, Mrs Lisa Langley how amazing did that sound, my wife and mother of my baby. If my need to protect her wasn't strong enough before after the phone call from her mother the other day I couldn't bear the thought of her or anyone else hurting my darling girl. We had so many things in common but one of the most hurtful similarities was that our mothers didn't care about us. Lisa had taken this and turned it around and was determined to be a better mother than her own and she was her love for Riley and Ellie was immense and knew no limits. I couldn't wait to see her with our baby.

I suggested we call at the tea rooms for a drink as I had a surprise for her. I bought her the most sugary bun they had going as baby was hungry, this baby really does a have a sweet tooth. There's something really sweet in watching Lisa eat her appetite changed, her body changing every day even her baby brain is adorable like when she offered me Ellie's juice cup instead of my orange juice at breakfast this morning. "I've got something for you" I tell her, her eyes on me looking slightly suspicious 

"What is it?" she asks and I hand her an envelope which she opens and stares at re reading it to see that she's got it right 

"It's our marriage license Lis" I tell her and she looks flabbergasted 

"How did you......" "Don't worry about that" I tell her the fact that I'd managed to sort it all out without her knowing I had all the right papers we needed with a little help from Davey who just happened to have a spare key for the flat and a thankfully swift working postal system even at this time of year, I had this idea in my head as soon as I found out we were expecting a baby. She looks at the papers again 

"This Friday that's two days away" she says 

"It is my darling it's all sorted" she is blown away by this 

"But what about clothes and things like that" I'd sorted that too over the last few days since we decided to do this. I tell her its all in hand. "But I don't have a dress to wear" she says 

"Yes you do" I tell her "Gran has sorted it" she looks a little taken back I feel a tinge of worry I hope I haven't made her angry 

"Have you seen it" she asks rather abruptly

"No of course not, it's bad luck" she seems to cheer up a bit. 

"This is like don't tell the bride" she goes 

"I thought with you feeling so poorly and you were so upset about your Mum that I could take the strain away and so me, Dad and Gran have organized things oh and your Dad" She just looks at me. "Are you not pleased Sweetheart?" she takes my hand 

"Yes of course I am you just took me by surprise that's all Sweetie" There's still something bothering her and I ask her "Its just I had some ideas that's all" I rub the back of her hand 

"I know did you not wonder where your little notebook had gone" she shakes her head 

"I've done it all as you wanted every last thing" she starts welling up 

"But what about you" she asks "

I want what makes you happy my darling, whatever it takes" a stray tear trickles down her face and I wipe it away. "But rings....." I stop her "A simple gold band one for you and one for me as you'd written and drew a picture of" I say smiling, "Clogau gold, is that how you say it" and she nods, she went through everything she thought I might have forgotten but I'd covered it all

"Oh Ben" she says 

"Now are you happy Sweetheart?" I ask her and she just laughs through her tears 

"I'm the happiest girl in the world" she says and do you know what I think she is. Two days, just forty eight hours and we would be husband and wife.

We headed back to the house making the most of our freedom and our time alone we cwtch, I do love that word, all the way home, I still cant get enough of my girl and soon she will be mine officially. I take her upstairs and lay her down on our bed and make sweet love to her, somehow after the scare its different I handle her so gently still giving her the love and pleasure she needs but just that little bit softer it means more if anything I cant take for granted the precious load she carries it makes me love her more and more. This is it, the happiest I could be nothing can spoil this for us, nothing.

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