A train to no where?

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I sit on the train in silence, and yet the din of my racing mind was deafening. A stray tear rolls down my cheek as my bottom lip starts to quiver. I struggle to fight the feeling as it begins to overwhelm me. I'd left, I'd finally left. Where were we heading now, as I look down at my two angels sleeping quietly next to each other. I had to get away if I didn't we would be stuck in that place forever, I had to kill that pain, erase those memories. They deserved that much.

Everyone had said I was mad for going but they didn't understand, how could they when they didn't know, the things that place had started to do to me. I needed to make a new life for us, a fresh start, I had found us somewhere to live where we would be safe, locked away where we couldn't be found, where he couldn't find us. I had a job that wasn't much, but it was enough to keep us so we were set, but that didn't suppress the fear bubbling under the surface.

London had always been a love of mine, a city where you could go unnoticed and yet be surrounded by everything. I had been fascinated with it as a child, when I'd thought of living there it was all just dreams, but it was now the reality I was creating. If I was strong enough.

My thoughts slip away as the rhythmic clatter of the train provides a distraction............

Heading for a city where he was waiting for me, A packed tube train on which he found me, why was he there had he come to save me.............

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