My Lover

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The Following day

We pull up outside the store, it was going to be a long shift, a long day without Ben and it showed in my face "Sweetheart I will see you tonight" he says unable to meet for lunch today as Ben has a staff meeting which makes the thought of such a long day even worse. I pull a little sulk at him "it's just a few hours darling, God knows I don't want to be away from you either" he says with his fingers stroking my cheeks then kissing me gently. 

"I have to go baby" I say to him 

"No, not yet Lissy not yet" he says against my lips pulling me in for one last lingering kiss "I love you so much" he says as he eventually free's me from his loving arms 

"I love you" I say to him as I shut the car door placing my hand against the window to which he copies from the inside, I blow him a kiss and he blows me on in return as he drives away.

I walk up the first aisle of the shop and Eileen is standing there smiling at me 

"Good morning young lady" she says and I smile 

"Good morning" 

"So how was your afternoon" she asks and I blush straight away as she puts her arm around me 

"It was lovely" I tell her 

"hmm your face says it was" I look at her, she's eager to know more "Well come on" she urges 

"Oh Ei he's so, oh my god I don't know" she laughs "I can hardly move" I whisper I feel I can tell her 

"Oh my word the boy done good, look at you" she says 

"What do you mean" I ask 

"My sweet girl excuse my language but you can see by your face that the darling boy has fucked your brains out" I go redder still putting my hand to my mouth 

"Ei" I shout to her and we both just laugh out loud as I think back to our amazing day yesterday. I head upstairs to put my things in my locker when I fell my phone vibrate it's a message from Ben

My sweet, beautiful, sexy, gorgeous darling Lissy I just wanted to tell you again because I fear I'm not telling you enough just how wonderful you are and how much I love you. Sweetheart, yesterday, last night it was all just so amazing, I can still feel you, taste you and hear you call my name which is making my heart pound. Tonight I want to make love to you again, and again until you can't take anymore.

Take care darling

See you later



My Darling darling Benny

Ben's Point Of View

Damn I didn't want to go to work today I wanted to be in one place only and that was with my girl. I was still shell shocked from our time together yesterday, it had been like a dream, god my darling girl was so beautiful, gorgeous, sexy everything I knew she would be. Christ I wanted her even more now than I did before, to make love to her was just glorious. I never knew it could feel like that, never mind her, I had been determined to be so gentle with her and yet I could feel how much she wanted me returning her desire I am completely and utterly besotted with her and I send her a text just so she knows. I'm like a bloody school boy.

I can still see her soft naked body lying before me so eager for me to please her. To see the pleasure in her eyes knowing that I had given that to her was just beyond. I wanted to do everything with her, show her so much, try so much, be so much just with her. I wanted to possess her body and soul. I tingle as I remember how she touched me so shy and gentle and yet it felt so glorious. The way she encouraged me, needing me to touch her. Those sweet cries when she came for me still ring in my ears. I can hear over and over her telling me that she loved me, she loved me, this beautiful kind sweet gentle girl loved me. I'm hot just thinking about her. I want to make love to her every night now I know she wants me to, we are a proper couple and I want to love her with every breath in my body and give her the happiness that she deserves. 

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