Princesses and Pains

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William's Point of view

It would soon be time for the love birds to come home, it had gone by in a flash. They hadn't called but Ben had sent me a quick text last night before we'd gone to be bed which had warmed my heart.


The ring fits my Princess like a glove


Which was all I needed to know, I have to say I shed a tear for the lad, I was just so so proud of him after everything he'd been through in his life, alot of which I always thought I could have prevented. Lisa was an absolute sweetheart, so gentle, so kind and she adored my boy she was giving him everything he had ever wanted. The thought of the baby coming too just made it all more perfect.

Mum was a nervous wreck I hadn't told her about the text as I knew Ben would want to tell her. She'd even hit the sherry last night to calm her nerves which was entertaining on its own, ha ha god bless my mother.

"Grampa come with me I want to show you something" Riley asks dragging me into the living room where I find Ellie dressed up in her princess outfit that Mum had given her for Christmas. 

"Well Princess Ellie aren't you pretty" she gives me a shy smile just like her mother 

"Yeah" she says. 

"We are playing Princes and Princesses Grampa" Riley tells me. Little did they know that their Mummy and Daddy had been living their own fairy tale too.

"Well has that boy rung you yet?" shouts Mum through the door "Oh Ellie what a beautiful Princess you make" she tells her as Ellie starts dancing around picking up her fairy wand waving it at us all. 

"They'll be here soon Mum Ben has just text to say they are on their way" she huffs 

"Oh my nerves cant stand it" she says pulling at her apron 

"I've been in and out of the toilet all morning this excitement is doing nothing for my bladder" I laugh out loud at her. Riley had now dressed himself up too he was a fine Prince just like our Ben. 

"Ellie is a Princess Gran" he tells Mum "Just like Mummy" Mum pulls him in for a cuddle 

"That she is lovey and your Mummy is the loveliest Princess in the world" He looks up at Mum and smiles. We'd had such a short time with them but had taken them in as our own just as Ben had, Mum adored them "her little angels" as she called them. I was always afraid that Ben wouldn't find anyone after everything Wendy and then that Vanessa did to him the pair of witches, they were far too similar to Valerie Ben's mother. I knew Lisa was different from the first time I spoke to her on the phone you could hear the love she had for him in her voice content with just being with him not some grand agenda. It broke my heart to know what had happened to her but I knew Ben would be able to heal her if she'd let him.

The only thing playing on my mind was that I was so far away in France I wanted to be closer, near to my lad for the most exciting time in his life, because despite the fact he was over the moon about it all I knew him and I knew he'd be worrying deep down, especially about Lisa and the baby. This was something I could think about. With that I hear Ben pull up outside.

Ben's point of view

"Well, we'd better head in and put Gran out of her misery" I say to Lisa she's gone really pale all of a sudden but she keeps smiling, part of me will be glad to get home so we can get her checked in with a doctor to make sure everything is OK with her and the baby because by the weeks she's already nearly two months gone which is a little scary.

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