Chapter 30

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Melissa's POV:

Talking to Abby really made an impact on me. I didn't know she would take my words to heart and really live by it. I just didn't want her to think material objects make the person. Also, I didn't want her to rip the head off that poor guy. He probably had no idea. He looked like he was new, and Abby just didn't see that because all she saw was red.

I text Tony and told him I'll go to his place. I don't know. I wanted to be the one to take the drive today and not depend on him for a ride back home.

"Hey gorgeous." He says as he opens the door. I lean in for a kiss and lucky for me I get one back.

"Hi, how are you?" I walk into his apartment which is always clean. It always smells nice in here too.

"I'm good." I know Abby has been working hard on their case lately. I told Tony I didn't want to hear anything about it, and that's how I want it to stay. I can't help anymore than I've tried. Gibbs was right. The second they left Maryland; I didn't know what they had in store for anyone.

I won't think about that right now. I'm here to have a good time with Tony.

"Are you still on drinking hiatus?" He asks me from the kitchen.

I sit on the couch where I've made myself comfortable. "I'm not on a hiatus but I don't feel like having a drink right now. Thank you though."

He smirks and grabs two bottles of water from the fridge. "How was your day?" He asks walking over to me.

The second he sits down I notice something is different. "Oh my god, what is that?"

I take his chin and start moving his head around to really look at the bruise that's on his nose. It's not too big but it's big enough to be compared by a nose.

He laughs it off. "I'm okay."

"How did that happen?"

He just smiles and brings me in for a kiss. This time I'm gentle while I'm doing it.

When he releases me, he looks me in the eyes and puts his hand on my face. "Don't worry about that. I just did something stupid while working."

That means I really don't want to know. If it has to do with Juice I really don't want to know. The only person I care about is him right now.

"You're sure you're okay?"

He chuckles and kisses me on the cheek. "I'm sure. How about you? How was your day?"

If he doesn't want to talk about it, then I'm not going to push him on it.

I smile remembering what I did today. "I talked to Abby today about us because I didn't want her to be the only one who doesn't know."

He smiles and pulls me closer to him. I'm practically on his lap. "Really? What did she say?"

"She said that it's my life and that she would rather me be with someone that you all trust then someone they don't know."

A smile grows on his face. "I think that's the nicest response you and I've gotten out of this."

He pulls me closer to kiss him again. I don't know what's gotten into him, but I have to say I like it.

His lips are soft, and his fingers keep going through my hair. He leans back just to look into my eyes. I smile and slide my body off of him. I know we're taking this sow and that's great because I'm not ready to do anything besides what we're doing right now. I don't want to give him miss signals.

He smiles as he continues to stare into my eyes. He's giving me butterflies and I have to talk, or I won't move from this couch all night.

"How was everything else besides the nose? How was Ziva? It wasn't Ziva who did that?"

He laughs and puts his arm around me, so that I can lay on his chest. "No, it wasn't Ziva."

He pauses. This is another subject I don't want to push him to talk about either. I know it isn't my fault that she saw us at the restaurant. I still feel bad that this didn't go the way he wanted.

"She was better than I thought she would be." He clears his throat. "She misses him a lot."

I know that took a lot for him to say. It's not an easy topic to bring up with what's going on, but I appreciate him for trying. It means a lot.

"I know. She'll be okay. She'll just have to realize what we're doing is okay. She just has to do that on her own." I know Ziva helped me in a way when it came to the Tony situation without even knowing that it's him. I just don't understand it because the way she's acting now, she's switching her opinion on the subject. She was fine with me kissing a stranger, but not Tony because he's Tim's best friend.


I have to used past tense. If I don't, I will go back to the state I was in when Tony picked me up from the bar. I can't go there again. I refuse to put myself and others in harm.

"Yeah." He says while looking at the ground.

"Are you thinking about him?"

He turns to me and his frown turns into a smile. "No, I was thinking about what Abby said. I think that she has a point."

I lean in and kiss his lips softly. He gently places his hand on my face and pulls back. He smiles and continues to hold my face. "You just know how to make everything better don't you?"

"I try."

He smiles and puts his arm tighter around me. I lay on his chest and get comfortable on the couch with him. "Want to watch a movie?"


"What were you thinking?"

"You pick." I tell him. He's having a harder time with this because of Ziva and everyone. He needs a moment to breathe and feel like the world isn't against him. "I'm good just being here."

He leans down and kisses me on the head. "Me too." 

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