Chapter 16

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Tony's POV:

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Tony's POV:

I stayed up last night just to see if my phone would go off. I kept thinking I heard it when I would leave the room, but nothing ever popped up. I would start to fall asleep and think that I would hear it go off and get my energy flowing again. Nothing was on the phone.

Hearing that she might have been pregnant with McGee's baby, made me furious the more I thought about it. I imagined her taking care of herself and the baby without him and it got me wild up.

We said when this happened, we would take down Juice officially and bring McGee peace. It's been three months and he's been in Gibbs house on a little vacation.

If she were pregnant, I think that would have been the straw to break the camels back. I think that's when I would have fought him and Gibbs. She obviously wouldn't do this alone, she would have the rest of us, but she would need him. The thought just makes me sick. When I stopped thinking about it and more on her possibly calling me in case of a nightmare, that's when I fell asleep.

I get to work, and no one is in the squad room. I guess we don't have much to go off of just like any other day.

I sit at my desk for a while. Gibbs only walks through once and doesn't come back. All he said was good morning and that was it. I haven't seen him since. It's hard to do nothing when no one is around to watch.

I decide to get up and go to the break room after 45 minutes. Doing nothing is more fun when people are around to talk to once in a while.

When I get to the squad room, I notice that Ziva is sitting at one of the tables with her head resting on her arm faced down.

"Ziva?" Her head shoots up and she looks surprised to see me.

"Oh, hey Tony."

"Have you been in here this whole time?" I join her at her table. "I've been in the squad room doing nothing alone. What are you-"

I look at her and notice that she isn't looking at me. She is zoning out and staring at the table. She notices I'm staring at her and makes eye contact with me. When I look into her eyes, they look sadder than Melissa's were last night.

She can tell I notice, and she tries to hide it. I grab her hand to stop her. "Hey, what's going on?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing. Melissa is going through much more than I am. We should be worried about her."

She tries to get up, but I still have her hand. "Hey, what is this about?" What's wrong with Melissa besides the obvious?"

She gets comfortable again and still shakes her head at me. "It's crazy. It's ridiculous."

"Ziva, you can tell me anything and I wouldn't judge you."

She looks me back in my eyes and can I'm being serious. She should know that by now anyway. I've always got her back from the second I met her. I knew she was something special.

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