Chapter 8

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Tim's POV:

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Tim's POV:

Three months, one week, and two days have gone by since I left everyone. This is the last thing I thought I would ever have to go through. It's always the victims we put into the Protection Program, not the Gibbs' Program.

I'm sitting at his table, while he makes us steaks. He's been cooking for me twice every day. I'm on my own to things in the house when it comes to lunch. When I wake up, he always leaves me coffee. That's usually. I don't think he's ever been a breakfast guy.

I would ask him how Melissa is doing, and it would always be Abby's words. He told me she was staying there for as long as she wanted. It's amazing for Abby to open up her home to her. I'm glad she isn't alone.

Except, the other day, Gibbs told me that she was leaving Abby's and going back to our house. I was happy because I want her to be able to call that home.

We'll be back together soon. I know I said that three months ago, but she has to give them a little more time.

"So, I didn't ask you how Melissa did her first day back." I wanted to, but I waited because all I walk about is her to him. We have nothing else in common. I've learned that these past few months.

"When I ran into Jack after work, he said that she was doing well. She may have been a little quiet, but that she was actually being herself."

I smile. "That's good."

"Yeah." My smile fades and he notices. "It is good right?"

"Yeah, of course."


I shake my head and look down at the steak. "Thank you. This looks great."

He ignores it and continues to speak. "She didn't come into work today."

My head snaps up to him. "What? Why?"

"Tony sent me a text saying she couldn't make it and he couldn't either."

I poke at the steak. "What do you think that means?"

"He said she couldn't sleep and that she isn't suited to work with only minutes of sleep."

I shrug. "He has a point." It's good. He's taking care of her just like he said he would.

"Are you okay?"

I shake my head. "Yeah, if you don't mind, I'll eat this later. I'm not hungry right now."


I leave the table and I go down to the basement. It's the only place for me to stay since there aren't any windows, and the tiny one that's there is easily covered.

I didn't want to do this. I wanted to stay with her. We said till death do us part, but I'm not dead. Gibbs practically forced the doctors there to sedate me. They unplugged me from the machines so it didn't get my heart rate so it would give a flat line. That's the last time she saw me.

I miss her more than anything. Our life just started together, and I had to go and kill a gang leader and get shot.

Like Gibbs said it could be worse, I could have never gotten shot and be in the witness Protection Program away from her. This is the closest I can get to her right now, and I've told myself time and time again that I have to do this.

I reach into the pocket of the pants Gibbs bought me and take out the note that I always hold close to me.


Yes, baby. I promise to come back to you. You just have to give them time.

As much as it kills me to be away from her, and for her to think that I'm gone forever, I need her to just hold on a little longer. This will be over soon. I hope she can somehow have faith that I'm alive and to hold on a little longer, but that's only in my dreams.

I wipe the tears that have fallen from my eyes, put the note away, suck it up, and go upstairs to join Gibbs for dinner.

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