Chapter 21

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Tony's POV:

I'm still convinced I'm dreaming.

I kissed her.

She kissed me.

We kissed.

I keep thinking about that day Melissa and I spent kissing. That's all we did. I kissed her and I was a gentleman about it. I kept my hands where it was appropriate and hated when she opened her eyes and saw it was time for her to go.

Kissing her felt like a daze. It was like a drug I didn't know existed and feel like I need another dose. It was all too perfect as much as it could be for our situation.

When I was driving her to go get her car, it was quiet. I thought that was a bad sign, but when we got to her car, she thanked me and leaned in for a kiss. I was relieved that moment, but nervous now.

It's been over a day since I've spoken to her. I texted her later that night and reminded her that I'm here if she needed anything.

Kissing her all day made me forget how we ended up there. She was drinking her nightmare away, and that isn't healthy. I was o worried about her that I couldn't lecture her that night. I tried a little, but then got lost in her touch when she fell into me.

I'm bad at my flirting game when it comes to her and as I laid in my bed that night I remembered why. It's because he's alive. He's still alive waiting until we catch Juice to be back with her. Here I am kissing her like I've wanted too since she walked in this place.

She texted me later and told me it was probably going to be the first night she finally got a good night sleep.

It was nice to hear from my other thoughts that night. Until the next day she didn't come into work. I told myself I wasn't going to text or call her because it's always me to talk to her first. If something is wrong, she will reach out to me. It was the first time I was able to control myself and not contact her first.

I'm sitting in my desk across from Ziva, who I know never reaches out first.

"Hey." She darts her head upwards. "How are you doing?" Gibbs isn't here so it's the best time to ask.

"Better." She shakes her head and looks back at her computer. Believe it or not this isn't the most private place where she would talk about stuff like this. Private is usually out there on the field and we just get to talking. I don't understand her, but for some reason that's why I like her. She's a puzzle I can't figure out.

"Morning." Gibbs graces us with is presence.


"Hello Gibbs."

He has his large coffee in his hand as usual. He sits at his desk which is a little strange, but weirder things have happened. He doesn't sit there much, so when he does, he is either on to something, or hiding because like I said he's never here.

"So, what's the plan today?" I ask because he's sitting and looking at his computer. What is happening to this world?

"You two will be seeing Melissa today."

Ziva and I share glances at each other. "At her house?"

"No, in her office. You two have appointments today."

"She made them?" If this is her way in reaching out to me, I won't accept it. Kissing her was basically wearing my heart on my sleeve. This isn't going to work if that's what she thinks.

"No, I did. Is there a problem?" He looks between me and Ziva. We don't say anything. "Good. I told Jack and hopefully she got the message. Tony, you're first."

It Happened: NCISOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz