loosing a loved one (Eddie Redmayne)

Start from the beginning

Valentina shuddered at the mere coldness of the gel and gave out a gasp. Dr. Laura then took the transducer in her hand and started to move it across the Valentina's belly.

"Mr. Redmayne, you see the black dot over there. It's the little on inside her. Mrs. Redmayne, you are almost 1 month off." Dr. Laura informed as she pointed a dot on the monitor by the bed.

"That dot is the baby?" Eddie asked softly as he stared at the screen.

"Yes. So will you like the sonography result?" Dr. Laura asked as she kept the transducer still on Valentina's belly.

"Yes please." Valentina answered in whisper as she looked up at her husband with a night smile.

"I am so lucky to have you in my life." Eddie kissed the back of Valentina's hand as they walked back to their house.

"I can say same Ed. Now how are we going to break it to your parents, seeing you didn't told your mum." Valentina asked as they walked and their life was filled with happiness.

Happiness is like a fragile child if you see it that way. You have to live every moment of it, because fragile child's health is never certain, like the happiness in your life.

Valentina was four months off as she was sitting on couch, eating nutella sandwich. Her cravings were weird according to her, but her husband did everything for her.

"Have you taken your medicines?" Eddie asked after changing into night clothes after the tiring day of shooting of his movie.

"Yes I did. And also your mum called. When is your shooting going to be over?" Valentina asked as she offered Eddie the nutella sandwich, which he politely refused.

"By next month. After that I am taking two month off from everything I am doing and spend time with family." He answered as his hand settled on slightly protruding belly.

"Good because Felcia is getting married in november, and I would love to have you by my side." Valentina said as she chewed in her nutella sandwich.

They spend their evening idly, with Valentina making Eddie watch The other Boelyn Girl for fifth time that month.

"You know that was fifth time we watched that movie." Eddie commented as Valentina laid on the soft mattress.

"Who cares. I like how much you have grown in your career since then. You work in a franchise I am mad about!" Valentina exclaimed before dissolving into fits of giggles.

"Oh yes, Joanna asked about when will drop by the set. I guess she loves your amazing work over violin." Eddie said as he brought Valentina close to him as he switched of the night lamp.

"I guess I can drop by tomorrow. I want to meet Katherine and Alyson." Valentina said yawning loudly.

"Go to sleep. We will see to that tomorrow." Eddie said as he pressed a kiss in her hair.

"Good night Newt." Valentina said before closing her eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.

Eddie chuckled as he closed his eyes, and let the sleep overcome his senses.

It's like 3 am was jinx to human life, as Valentina gasped for breath when she felt a sharp pain through her belly.

"Is everything alright?" Eddie was jerked awake as Valentima sat in her bed with a startle.

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